#SCOTUS #303CreativeLLC vs #Elenis
What would NOT make sense is finding for the plaintiff, IF you're a judge who is a States Rights conservative. The State of Colorado has a right to make its own laws governing business license PROVIDED it also complies with the Public Access Act (can't discriminate based on religion, race, gender). Either you're a conservative OR you agree with the plaintiff.
Both things cannot be true at the same time.
#scotus #303creativellc #elenis
#SCOTUS #303CreativeLLC vs #Elenis
Yeah. The complaint is a denial of a state license for an arts business , which is why the 1st Amendment Freedom of Expression was cited. She also said she already had gay customers that contracted with her for designing for other events, just not weddings, and she wanted to design any other type of weddings but that kind.
...Which is why cert made sense, and not for any of the other rationales discussed by talking heads thusfar.
#scotus #303creativellc #elenis
Listening to CSPAN's replay of #SCOTUS questionings on the #303CreativeLLC vs #Elenis case, but in light of the #CNN interview of the plaintiff.
Business explanation satisfied me that SCOTUS properly granted cert.
Not satisfied with certain questions, like Barrett's question distinguishing "Christians or Catholic". I'll bet Thomas didn't like hearing that phraseology.
#scotus #303creativellc #elenis #cnn
OK, so this place is amazing, and it’s brand new. #Elenis #NorthWoburn #restaurant
#elenis #northwoburn #restaurant
And we all know this. It’s better to do the rejecting than being rejected. Whether in crumbling romances or the Woolworth’s counter, it provides dignity to enable someone to choose whether to suffer the indignity instead of denying them that agency. It’s a pity Olson whiffed on this and Fletcher correctly stuck to the legal framework rather that the core values error by Alito. /4 #supremecourt #303 #CreativeLLC #Elenis #scotus #alito #gay #lgbt #gayrights #court
#supremecourt #creativellc #elenis #scotus #alito #gay #lgbt #GayRights #court