I found this caterpillar on an Aberdeen pavement heading for the road. I picked it up and moved it to some shaded vegetation.
I think it is an Elephant Hawk Moth. It was about 8cm long, at a guess.
#aberdeen #elephanthawkmoth #caterpillar
The #BigButterflyCount may have finished yesterday but no-one told the butterflies; #HollyBlue, #SpeckledWood, #Gatekeeper and many #LargeWhites today. And then this afternoon I narrowly avoided standing on two magnificent #ElephantHawkMoth caterpillars. (Now relocated to a new safer patch of willowherb where I promptly found a 3rd even larger #caterpillar and, I think, a caterpillar poo!)
#bigbutterflycount #hollyblue #speckledwood #gatekeeper #largewhites #elephanthawkmoth #caterpillar
Just one of the highlights from last night’s #MothTrapping at #WWT #CastleEspie - the #spectacular #ElephantHawkMoth.
#nature #NaturePhotography #wildlife #invertebrate #insect #insects #lepidoptera #moth #moths #MothsMatter #hawkmoth #CountyDown #NorthernIreland #shotoniphone
#mothtrapping #wwt #castleespie #spectacular #elephanthawkmoth #nature #naturephotography #wildlife #invertebrate #insect #insects #lepidoptera #moth #moths #mothsmatter #hawkmoth #countydown #northernireland #shotoniphone