Today's #APOD #photography is a #picture of the planetary nebula IC1396 also known as the #elephantstrunknebula. It's a #star forming region.
Do you really see an #elephant's trusk here or something else ? Draw on that picture what you actually see...
An Unusual Globule in IC 1396
Image Credit & Copyright: Bernard Miller
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#apod #photography #picture #elephantstrunknebula #star #elephant #astronomy #space
New month, new first light. This time for my new, used bought, L-Extreme duo narrowband filter.
#astrophotography #elephantstrunk #elephantstrunknebula #pixinsight #130pds #heq5pro #zwo #asi294mc #asi294mcpro #lextreme
#astrophotography #elephantstrunk #elephantstrunknebula #pixinsight #130pds #heq5pro #ZWO #asi294mc #asi294mcpro #lextreme