About Me: A Re- #Introduction
Since I've been on pagan.plus for almost two months now, I figured I should reintroduce myself for all the new folks on Mastodon! Welcome, and thanks for visiting my page!
— General Info —
:Furby_mothman: Nickname: Gabby/Gabe
🪪 Age: 25
:potion_nonbinary: Pronouns: they/she/fae
🏡 Location: New England, USA
— My Hashtags —
🏳️🌈 #LGBTQ #Queer #Nonbinary #Pansexual
💜 #Persephone #Aphrodite #Dionysus #Djehuty #Aset #Ausar
🌾 #OrphicMysteries #EleusinianMysteries
👽 #Aliens #UFO #ultraterrestrials #cryptids
🙏 #Pagan #Paganism #Religion #Spirituality #Philosophy #Interfaith
📚 #Reading
📝 #Writing
:moomin_mushroom: #Surrealism #Horror #Folklore
#introduction #sociology #lgbtq #queer #nonbinary #pansexual #biracial #blackmastodon #Persephone #aphrodite #dionysus #djehuty #Aset #Ausar #witchcraft #magick #occult #Tarot #Divination #scrying #orphicmysteries #eleusinianmysteries #aliens #ufo #ultraterrestrials #cryptids #Pagan #paganism #religion #spirituality #philosophy #interfaith #reading #writing #surrealism #horror #folklore
About Me: A Re- #Introduction
Since I've been on pagan.plus for almost two months now, I figured I should reintroduce myself for all the new folks on Mastodon! Welcome, and thanks for visiting my page!
— General Info —
:Furby_mothman: Nickname: Gabby/Gabe
🪪 Age: 25
:potion_nonbinary: Pronouns: they/she/fae
🏡 Location: New England, USA
— My Hashtags —
🏳️🌈 #LGBTQ #Queer #Nonbinary #Pansexual
🌾 #OrphicMysteries #EleusinianMysteries
👽 #Aliens #UFO #ultraterrestrials #cryptids
🙏 #Religion #Spirituality #Philosophy #Interfaith
📚 #Reading
📝 #Writing
:moomin_mushroom: #Surrealism #Horror #Folklore
#introduction #sociology #lgbtq #queer #nonbinary #pansexual #biracial #blackmastodon #witchcraft #magick #occult #Tarot #Divination #scrying #orphicmysteries #eleusinianmysteries #aliens #ufo #ultraterrestrials #cryptids #religion #spirituality #philosophy #interfaith #reading #writing #surrealism #horror #folklore
For those of you who are curious about the Orphic and Eleusinian Mysteries and would like to learn more, I've compiled a list of free resources to kickstart your research!
I also periodically update the list to add new resources that I come across in my studies.
Hope y'all enjoy!
#pagan #paganism #polytheism #orphic #orphism #orphicmysteries #eleusinian #eleusinianmysteries
#eleusinianmysteries #eleusinian #orphicmysteries #orphism #Orphic #polytheism #paganism #Pagan