🪷 #Antinous Statue of the day: Found at #Eleusis - Ἐλευσίς - this is the only one that seems to refer back to an incident in his life, his initiation into the #Eleusinian Mysteries of life and death in 128 AD. Hence the pensive face? We explain here: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2023/01/featured-antinous-statue-of-day.html 🪷
#antinous #eleusis #eleusinian
🪷 25 July #RedShoeDay How tall was Antinous? Antinous scholar #JohnJJohnston suggests he may have been 5' 8" (172 cm) based in part on the #Eleusis statue. The average 2nd C AD man was 5' 6" (170 cm). So, #Antinous was taller than average. (Priest #MartinCampbell 6 ft/182 cm) 🪷
#redshoeday #johnjjohnston #eleusis #antinous #martincampbell
🪷 17 June is the traditional wedding anniversary of #Orpheus and #Eurydice. #Antinous was initiated into the #Orphic #Eleusinian Mysteries of life and death at #Eleusis Greece in 128 AD. Hence the pensive expression on this remarkable statue? antinousstars.blogspot.com/2022/06/discov… 🪷
#orpheus #eurydice #antinous #Orphic #eleusinian #eleusis
"Dans l'Antiquité, ses mystères étaient célèbres dans tout le monde grec. Aujourd'hui, cette cité, à l'image dégradée par la pollution, est capitale européenne de la culture."
(Article en partie réservé aux internautes disposant d'un abonnement.)
#GeeksAnciens #GrèceAntique #ReligionGrecqueAntique #Religion #archéologie #Eleusis #Europe
#geeksanciens #greceantique #religiongrecqueantique #religion #archeologie #eleusis #europe
🪷 #Antinous gets refurbished digs as Archaeological Museum reopens in #Eleusis Greece where #Antinoos was initiated into the #Eleusinian Mysteries of life and death, possibly explaining the pensive expression on his face. Full story: https://greekreporter.com/2023/02/27/archaeological-museum-elefsina-reopens/ 🪷
#antinous #eleusis #antinoos #eleusinian
Wie kommt man denn mit dem Zug von Wien nach Athen? Kommt man? Wegen #Kulturhauptstadt #Eleusis wärs. Und zur Einstimmung auf die Fragenbeantwortung könnte man ja Lyrik von Giorgos Seferis lesen. https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/4276642027 #wienathen #zugverbindung
#kulturhauptstadt #eleusis #wienathen #zugverbindung
Elefsina, #Eleusis, European Capital of Culture prepares its opening. #ECOC https://chrisbaldwin.eu/projects/p/171-mysteries-of-transition-the-opening-of-eleusis-2023-european-capital-of-culture
🪷 Antinous lives! #Antinous was initiated into the #Eleusinian Mysteries at #Eleusis, where this life-size statue of him was found. #AntoniusSubia says "This is a perfect example of living Images of Antinous that we see all around us!" More here: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2023/01/featured-antinous-statue-of-day.html 🪷
#antinous #eleusinian #eleusis #antoniussubia
🪷 #Antinous Statue of the day: Found at #Eleusis - Ἐλευσίς - this is the only one that seems to refer back to an incident in his life, his initiation into the #Eleusinian Mysteries of life and death in 128 AD. Hence the pensive face? We explain here: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2023/01/featured-antinous-statue-of-day.html 🪷
#antinous #eleusis #eleusinian
🪷 #Antinous Statue of the day: Found at #Eleusis - Ἐλευσίς - this is the only one that seems to refer back to an incident in his life, his initiation into the #Eleusinian Mysteries of life and death in 128 AD. Hence the pensive face? We explain here: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2023/01/featured-antinous-statue-of-day.html 🪷
#antinous #eleusis #eleusinian
🪷 #Antinous Statue of the day: Found at #Eleusis - Ἐλευσίς - this is the only one that seems to refer back to an incident in his life, his initiation into the #Eleusinian Mysteries of life and death in 128 AD. Hence the pensive face? We explain here: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2023/01/featured-antinous-statue-of-day.html 🪷
#antinous #eleusis #eleusinian
Por qué me demoré tanto en leer este libro? Habían un montón de respuestas y lo tenía ahí, hace años en una caja
El camino a Eleusis de Wasson, Hofmann y Ruck
Heute wieder ein neuer Beitrag in ReiseFreak's #ReiseMagazin und #ReiseBlog
Timișoara, Veszprém und Eleusis: Das sind Europas Kulturhauptstädte 2023
Die EU-Kommission hat entschieden: Im neuen Jahr werden die Heimat von »Tarzan«, ein malerischer Ort unweit des Plattensees und eine Vorstadt Athens als Kulturhauptstädt
#ReiseNews #Eleusis #Kulturhauptstadt #Spon #Timișoara #Veszprém
#Veszprem #timișoara #spon #kulturhauptstadt #eleusis #ReiseNews #reiseblog #Reisemagazin
Prokroustes, "the stretcher [who hammers out the metal]", was a son of #Poseidon who had a house on the Sacred Way between #Athens and #Eleusis. He invited every traveller to spend the night but when they lay down in his iron bed, he beat them with his smith's hammer, to stretch them to fit. Pseudo-Apollodoros & Hyginus add that if the guest proved too tall, Prokroustes would amputate the excess length. He was eventually slain by his half-brother #Theseus.
#poseidon #athens #eleusis #theseus #mythologymonday #mythology
Prokroustes, "the stretcher [who hammers out the metal]", was a son of #Poseidon who had a house on the Sacred Way between #Athens and #Eleusis. He invited every traveller to spend the night but when they lay down in his iron bed, he beat them with his smith's hammer, to stretch them to fit. Pseudo-Apollodoros & Hyginus add that if the guest proved too tall, Prokroustes would amputate the excess length. He was eventually slain by his half-brother #Theseus.
#poseidon #athens #eleusis #theseus #mythologymonday #mythology