Blow-Me-Down Brook, NH – An NHD Flowline Picked ‘Randomly’
-- <-- 1981 NPS guide
-- <-- USGS’s 3DHP home page
I am working on some hydroaddressing / network traversing technical approaches for 3DHP – and needed an example of a multisegment flowline in NHD-sourced dataset, and so ‘randomly’ got this one - Blow-Me-Down, NH, from WBD HUC4-0108.
Although we map so many flowlines (~20 million in the USA for NHD-sourced spatial data, estimated 10x that for the EDH data still to be determined across the USA), I like trying to understand what a flowline or waterbody ‘is’ to the people on the ground as much as I can...
#GIS #spatial #mapping #networktraversing #3DHP #NHD #WBD #water #hydrology #USGS #mapping #USA #elevationderivedhydrography #EDH #3denabled #3dmapping #3dmodeling #3dep #elevation #opendata #nationally #waterresources #appliedscience #newhampshire #watermanagement #watermanagement #alldataisspatial #publicdata
#gis #spatial #mapping #networktraversing #3dhp #nhd #wbd #water #hydrology #usgs #USA #elevationderivedhydrography #3denabled #3dmapping #3dmodeling #3dep #elevation #opendata #nationally #waterresources #appliedscience #newhampshire #watermanagement #alldataisspatial #publicdata #edh
How 3D Hydrography [3DHP] Can Set The Rivers Straight [USGS]
-- <-- shared technical article
#GIS #spatial #mapping #3D #elevationderivedhydrography #hydrology #3dhydrography #3dhp #elevation #3dep #lidar #ifsar #DEM #water #hydrology #nhd #wbd #nhdplushr #opendata #Nation #USA #rivers #streams #lakes #waterbodies #flowlines #waterresources #watermanagement #flooding #floodplain #appliedscience #standardisation #consistent #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #usecase #model #modeling
#gis #spatial #mapping #3d #elevationderivedhydrography #hydrology #3dhydrography #3dhp #elevation #3dep #lidar #ifsar #dem #water #nhd #wbd #nhdplushr #opendata #nation #USA #rivers #streams #lakes #waterbodies #flowlines #waterresources #watermanagement #flooding #floodplain #appliedscience #standardisation #consistent #spatiotemporal #spatialanalysis #usecase #model #modeling