And you can check the #ElevatorFashionPic hashtag to see how she came to that conclusion of me only having black and red shirts ;)
Operndirigent, eindeutig Operndirigent!
Fehlt nur noch der Taktstock!
Ich seh die Haarpracht schon wogen!
Long time no #ElevatorFashionPic :) Today with fancy sunglasses that go over my normal glasses. Found them by accident and wished I’ve known these things exist 20 years ago! Also: wild hair day.
Post-dentist #ElevatorFashionPic — yes, I’m fine. No, it wasn’t fun. But it all went as planned.
@jwildeboer It was raining heavily in Prague yesterday, and you know … chameleons are not a good protection against rain … so this is me in the lift to the SUSE office. ;) When I saw myself, I was thinking about your series. #ElevatorFashionPic
#ElevatorFashionPic with camera. #LifeAtRedHat #QuarterEnd
#elevatorfashionpic #lifeatredhat #quarterend
Todays #ElevatorFashionPic. Busy day tomorrow. Including a possibly not so positive ophthalmologist appointment. CU!
This week in #ElevatorFashionPic, Wednesday edition :) #LifeAtRedHat
#elevatorfashionpic #lifeatredhat
Time for another #ElevatorFashionPic- today with my original Hirbawi rainbow kuffiye, made in Palestine.
Hrmpf. 90% of my timeline is about birdsite. People, I know letting go is hard. But please understand that there is so much more to share than just that one thing :) Here’s an #ElevatorFashionPic for you to enjoy :)
#ElevatorFashionPic in outdoor and indoor look. Plus a really cool evening sky picture with illuminated clouds. Enjoy!
Long time no #ElevatorFashionPic :) Monday with camera for filming the re-opening of the #RedHat office in #Munich, today with my wonderful rainbow Kufiye from #Hirbawi :)
#elevatorfashionpic #redhat #munich #Hirbawi
Time for an #ElevatorFashionPic and a picture of my current mode of transport - which is a lot of fun!