Accessing Elevation Data In R With The Elevatr Package
-- <-- shared tutorial
-- <-- USGS Elevation Point Query Service
[I saved this one for when I get a change to get back to R learning!]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #elevation #model #modeling #3DEP #R #code #coding #elevatr #LiDAR #pointdata #opendata #surface #tutorial #onlinelearning #learning #RSoftware #r #package #rprogramming #USGS #opensource #DEM #spatialanalysis #3d #3dmodel
#gis #spatial #mapping #elevation #model #modeling #3dep #r #code #coding #elevatr #lidar #pointdata #opendata #surface #tutorial #onlinelearning #learning #rsoftware #package #rprogramming #usgs #opensource #dem #spatialanalysis #3d #3dmodel
Do you like to make maps like me or do you want to learn how to make them? I found some tutorials for those interested in making beautiful maps using R. They are free access and very understandable.
#R #Rcoding #ggplot2 #codingisfun #tidyverse #terra #osmdata #httr #XML #codinglife #giscoR #metr #elevatr #sundaymood
#r #rcoding #ggplot2 #codingisfun #Tidyverse #terra #OSMData #httr #xml #codinglife #giscor #metr #elevatr #sundaymood