Investigating better tools for the Stream Deck Shortcuts…
Been struggling to get #Speechify to work. The API page is vague at best. Not sure how to access it, etc.
On the other hand #ElevenLabs’s #API is pretty easy going! The pricing might be out of reach, but we’ll see! 👀
#ElevenLabs makes Your Voice, in 30 Languages #Worldwide!
I have been seeing some posts from some folks showing their #ElevenLabs voice clones. So, here is a clip of mine. Thanks to @freakyfwoof for the background music. #Audio
Träumen Künstliche Intelligenzen von Heimat? Oder sind sie obdachlos wie Fische?
Heute erscheint »Auf Sendung«, mein zweites Buch im #BerenbergVerlag, und ich danke allen, die an der Entstehung dieses wunderschönen Buches beteiligt waren. Anlässlich der Veröffentlichung habe ich mittels KI diesen #Buchtrailer hergestellt, der aus den Anfangssätzen meiner Erzählung #Dorsten folgende Bilder generierte, denen das Programm #ElevenLabs eine Stimme verliehen hat.
#BerenbergVerlag #buchtrailer #dorsten #elevenlabs
Gizmodo: ElevenLabs' AI Voice Generator Can Now Fake Your Voice in 30 Languages #applicationsofartificialintelligence #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #paradoxinteractive #technologyinternet #computergraphics #matistaniszewski #mustafasuleyman #speechsynthesis #deeplearning #inflectionai #rutgerhauer #elevenlabs #palantir
#applicationsofartificialintelligence #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #paradoxinteractive #technologyinternet #computergraphics #matistaniszewski #mustafasuleyman #speechsynthesis #deeplearning #inflectionai #rutgerhauer #elevenlabs #palantir
Gizmodo: ElevenLabs' AI Voice Generator Can Now Fake Your Voice in 30 Languages #entertainmentculture #paradoxinteractive #technologyinternet #matistaniszewski #mustafasuleyman #speechsynthesis #inflectionai #rutgerhauer #elevenlabs #palantir
#entertainmentculture #paradoxinteractive #technologyinternet #matistaniszewski #mustafasuleyman #speechsynthesis #inflectionai #rutgerhauer #elevenlabs #palantir
@robertoqs @aethelshane Well sometimes. I go into rather esoteric rabbit holes for story research. Have you heard of Neville Goddard and his law of assumption? (This guy had lived in #NYC for some time, no kidding.) You should really check out the subReddits by his adherents. My favourite thread is about a girl who used #AI voice cloning (#elevenlabs) to get her ex back:
Ok I figured out how to edit the first chapter but adding another one does not seem too accessible. #ElevenLabs
I've been playing a bit tonight with #ElevenLabs Projects, the new alpha feature that lets you create and render long form projects. I've been making documents in Markdown, and using Pandoc to convert them to Epub for upload into the Projects system. Note that it seems to support only a very limited set of elements, which I can get into more detail on later if anyone's interested. Anyway, here's a story I posted a few months back, Asm's Story. It's about an evil robot who eats the entire population of a small planet, then finds friendship and defends herself from the evil scientists who created her. At the very end, you'll hear an announcement not heard since the early to mid 90's, if at all.
So this is almost perfect…but not quite. Here, I have a randomly-generated #ElevenLabs voice read a piece of text with which some of you will no doubt be very familiar. It gets all the pauses correct…except it misses one that really needs to be there. I wish there was a way we could force it to put a pause in a particular place.
I used my voice to create an #Elevenlabs instant clone, made a slider adjustment, then decided its first task would be to read a whiny, badly written review of the local Chili's I found on Google Maps. And much like the Chili's itself, the reading is off-putting and full of unexpected drama.
Here's my professionally cloned #ElevenLabs voice, using the English v2 model, reading the first part of a story generated by GPT4. For some reason they only gave me 1000 characters so it cut off, but still, you can hear the difference.
Here I have my professionally cloned #ElevenLabs voice read some total nonsense. Warning: in the text that follows, there is a lot of gibberish. If this is not to your liking, stop reading now! Transcript follows.
So here we go again with another test of the professionally cloned Jayson Smith voice. And we're about to test the one thing I just know everybody's wanting to test. How does it handle nonsense? Well, to be fair, I ran some total garbage through it, consisting of letters, numbers, and some symbols. That really didn't work too well, it mostly just read the text, which is far from what I wanted. So now I'm going to type a bunch of gibberish consisting of random letters, as though I was just banging on my keyboard. Here we go.
Asdflkdfhnwnhwoeinhvsadoihnavsfgnaiggjihfivihovisivenrigoihoivaadsr asdgkjadfnilrngoiwengioergorjasdfoisbvxc zxcvbzexcbvzxcbvcxbvvnvmmvcmbzxcmvczxmv asdfasasbdmnfvbsvzv asdvbjhadbscmncxbmvxcbmcvxzbmnvbafbiuweibwqeuiweuwreiuriuwreiuyiuwqyrwuiyrwqeiuiuasiuasdhwfoihqweoifhwqeoibvxczcbvzxcmnvasbvvxczvbxczmbxmczbmmzvmzxcbvmcxbmxczvbmvcxbasfjdsafasdiffhoierhoirehoirehoiehoieghoigehsdgjdsgkglgasldsfgldfldlaghsdagiuoahiuohquighsrzxvmzxcbxcmvbcxvmbzxcmbxczvbmczxbcxvhasdkjadhfiuwehifuafasdbmcbxmzxcbmnbzxcjbccvxz asdfihwduwe zsdfjbasdjfbasdbqa asdfjbsadfbwqeiubcfiuqweuiefibweassdbfisudbiudsbafbdisfbiwebqfibqwefiuwqbqiwuqwiurwqgwqeruwqwiusdfvmxcxcvmzzvxcmbmmzvbnxcmbcmbaifhiaufiusadfiusdq asdfihadsfiiuqhfiueqwfgwqeuxczvbnafihawefiuh.
Well I hope that was enough nonsense.
Kotaku: Twitter Owner Elon Musk Is Now A Fallout: New Vegas Bad Guy #gaming #tech #kotaku #obsidianentertainment #nousernameselected #robertedwinhouse #viewsofelonmusk #markzuckerberg #newvegasstrip #twitterinc #elevenlabs #elonmusk #twitter #fallout #openai #edward #xcorp #musk #meta #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #obsidianentertainment #nousernameselected #robertedwinhouse #viewsofelonmusk #markzuckerberg #newvegasstrip #twitterinc #elevenlabs #elonmusk #Twitter #fallout #openai #edward #xcorp #musk #meta #rpg
My #ElevenLabs professionally cloned voice has just become available to me. And here's the very first thing it ever said. Text follows.
Hello, world! These are the first words spoken by my professional cloned voice. I can't help adding here that I'm a bit nervous about finding out if the result was worth the wait. But I'm about to find out, just as soon as I hit that Generate button. Or I guess I should say, the flesh and blood version of me that's actually typing this will find out. I'm just a bucket of bytes on a server somewhere. Anyway, enough delay, here goes!
Greetings to all throughout #Equestria and thy #Fediverse!
If y'all didn't know, #ElevenLabs now has quite a few new Pre-made voices! Among the following #SunRealms update, you'll here two of them, and one generated voice. Can you tell which voice is the randomly generated one?
Anyway, y'all enjoy this #audiolabs creation!
#audiolabs #sunrealms #elevenlabs #fediverse #equestria
Hello #Equestria!
A Good Morning From Sunset Shimmer for y'all on this Friday, thanks of course to #ElevenLabs.
But also to #audiolabs, as I finally understood how the 'merge' feature works.
As for adding sound effects? That's better to be done on a Computer, but hey, hope y'all enjoy anyways!
#audiolabs #elevenlabs #equestria
South Park episode fully generated by AI:
(And the #ElevenLabs voices are really noticable now)
Greetings #Equestria! Just another random good morning from Celestia via #ElevenLabs, short and sweet.
Also, #TMobile #Money ain't a bad bank. No it ain't my primary (that goes to #CapitalOne), but the fact it lowers my phone bill even lower now? I myself am highly pleased with it!
#capitalone #money #tmobile #elevenlabs #equestria
@jcsteh LOL I just had #ElevenLabs speak this post, using a random male voice I generated. The results are somewhat amusing.