Thanks to everyone who supported #ElfDay in aid of the Alzeimer's Society. The team at John Wesley's New Room raised £229.15 😀
Hurrah. Elton Primary and HI base collected £150 (so far). Will be adding it to your just giving page later x
#elfday #christmascarol #cristmaspoetryday
Dressed as a elf today at John Wesley's New Room to raise money for the Alzheimer's Society, along with the rest of the team. We're heading towards our target - link here to donate to #ElfDay. More pictures later...
On Friday I will be joining other members of the team at John Wesley's New Room to dress as elves and raise money for the Alzheimer's Society...find out more here:
#dementia #dementiasupport #elfday
Here we go.. My suggestion to take part in Elf Day at work to raise money for the Alzheimers Society has been accepted by the whole team. We'll be dressing as elves on Dec 2 and fundraising. Watch out for really elfy pictures and puns soon...
#elfday #alzheimerssociety #dementiasupport
#elfday #alzheimerssociety #dementiasupport