Wrist is doing quite a bit better today. Sadly not well enough to do any kind of gaming, but not horrid. It's one of the rough parts of having carpral tunnel and EDS, I'm never sure which is to blame! But I'm resting the hand so seems to be helping, but it's also day 2 and still hurting so I'm going with a sprain caused by EDS. My games can wait. But I still have some shows to catch up on, and a book to read.
#elhersdanlossyndrome #eds #edssucks
There is going to be a webinar with Dr Jessica Eccles on the connection between EDS and neurodiversity 30th November
#elhersdanlossyndrome #neurodiversity #autism #inthespectrum #ADHD #webinar #heds
#elhersdanlossyndrome #neurodiversity #autism #inthespectrum #adhd #Webinar #heds
#autism #actuallyautistic #asd #adhd #authd #tourettes #chronicpain #dyspraxia #ElhersDanlosSyndrome #cerebalpalsy #mentalhealth #DID
Other will guests include Rosemary Richings, Sara Jane Harvey (Agony Autie), Lydia Wilkins, Harrison RB, Matilda Barrowman and Maggie Slighthe
#autism #actuallyautistic #asd #adhd #authd #tourettes #chronicpain #dyspraxia #elhersdanlossyndrome #cerebalpalsy #mentalhealth #did
Myself I’ve focused content on #Autism #Dyspraxia #DID #ADHD #ElhersDanlosSyndrome want to do stuff on age regression, bipola, eating disorders, multiple sclerosis etc. want to know more email neurocastpod@gmail.com
#autism #dyspraxia #did #adhd #elhersdanlossyndrome