now playing "eliane radigue" by ensemble dedalus & ryko akama. which i've stumbled on through a bandcamp connection, and i'm rather enjoying.
#bandcamp #ElianeRadigue #EnsembleDedalus #RykoAkama #drone #ambient #improvised #instrumental
#bandcamp #elianeradigue #ensemblededalus #rykoakama #drone #ambient #improvised #instrumental
Eliane Radigue - "Naldjorlak" (2023)
#NowPlaying #ElianeRadigue #CharlesCurtis #Saltern #SoloCello #Mastodrone
#cd #cdrevival
#nowplaying #elianeradigue #charlescurtis #saltern #solocello #mastodrone #cd #cdrevival
Eliane Radigue - "Kyema, Intermediate States" (1994)
#NowPlaying #ElianeRadigue #XIRecords #Mastodrone
#cd #cdrevival
#nowplaying #elianeradigue #xirecords #mastodrone #cd #cdrevival
Trickling frequencies
of starlings outside,
the house encircled in shimmer;
and Triptych at play
in the room, so quietly,
its silences brittle and manifest.
Another new recording from Éliane Radigue’s Occam Ocean series.
#experimentalmusic #elianeradigue
#experimentalmusic #elianeradigue
Evening listening.
Quatuor Bozzini was unknown to me before today. I have much to learn! That they’re playing compositions written by Éliane Radigue is enough of an indication that I need to familiarize myself with their work.
#modernclassical #elianeradigue #experimentalmusic
#Upcoming #Saltern announce a double album of composer #ÉlianeRadigue’s Naldjorlak performed by cellist #CharlesCurtis. Two complete performances recorded nearly 15 years apart. Out May 5 on double-CD and digitally.
#upcoming #saltern #elianeradigue #CharlesCurtis
Radigue for cello? This looks interesting
#ElianeRadigue #CharlesCurtis #Saltern
#elianeradigue #charlescurtis #saltern
Et j'en profite pour faire de la pub pour son oeuvre L'Ile Ré-sonante, oeuvre par laquelle j'ai découvert Eliane Radigue lors d'une diffusion dans le cadre d'un festival dont j'ai oublié le nom, mais qui était au 104 à Paris. Depuis, je suis un fan inconditionnel de cette très grande musicienne.
C'est par ici :
Eliane Radigue - L'Ile Ré-sonante
#music #avantgarde #experimental #dronemusic #elianeradigue
#TransversalesDisques vient de mettre un second batch de cassettes d'une sortie d'Eliane Radigue, limitée pour la première à 100, la seconde à 100 également, mais bon, à la base c'était un poil stupide de faire du limité pour Eliane Radigue, sans déconner.
Donc, foncez, j'ai loupé le premier lot le jour même de la mise en vente.
C'est par ici :
Eliane Radigue - Musique de notre temps (1976)
#transversalesdisques #music #avantgarde #experimental #dronemusic #elianeradigue
I wouldn't say it's unexpected, but ber-limey this had me hovering off the ground, an astonishing subtle thing
#quatuorbozzini #elianeradigue
Jamuary Day 24: Bon Anniversaire Eliane Radigue
. #spaceseer #jamuary2023 #jamuary2023day24 #doomsynth #synthjam #synth #ambience #modularsynth #doom #analog #elianeradigue #jamuary #noisemusic #kylyy #synthesizer #athreadbetweenfriends #eurorack #electronicmusic #synthesizer #livemusic #musiqueconcrete #praiseradigue #ambientmusic #sundaymusic #jamuaryday24
#spaceseer #jamuary2023 #jamuary2023day24 #doomsynth #synthjam #synth #ambience #modularsynth #doom #analog #elianeradigue #jamuary #noisemusic #kylyy #synthesizer #athreadbetweenfriends #eurorack #electronicmusic #livemusic #musiqueconcrete #praiseradigue #ambientmusic #sundaymusic #jamuaryday24
Jamuary Day 7:
Praise Radigue
#spaceseer #jamuary2023 #jamuary2023day7 #doomsynth #synthjam #synth #ambience #modularsynth #doom #analog #elianeradigue #jamuary #noisemusic #kylyy #synthesizer #athreadbetweenfriends #eurorack #electronicmusic #synthesizer #livemusic #musiqueconcrete #praiseradigue #ambientmusic #sundaymusic #jamuaryday7
#spaceseer #jamuary2023 #jamuary2023day7 #doomsynth #synthjam #synth #ambience #modularsynth #doom #analog #elianeradigue #jamuary #noisemusic #kylyy #synthesizer #athreadbetweenfriends #eurorack #electronicmusic #livemusic #musiqueconcrete #praiseradigue #ambientmusic #sundaymusic #jamuaryday7
Today has been a day of intense but rewarding music listening. #DaphneOram, #DeliaDerbyshire, #ElianeRadigue, #PaulineOliveros.
I really need to chill now 😋
#DaphneOram #deliaderbyshire #elianeradigue #paulineoliveros
#synth #plant #synthsounds #plantsandsynths #plantasia #synthesizer #modularsynth #moog #mutableinstruments #dreadbox #makenoise #biomusic #biologicalmusic #science #instruo #scion #altar #synthaltar #doomsynth #boxingday #electricity #electricsignals #monday #biology #laboratory #plants #biodata #synthwave #plantwave #plantwaves #musicforplants #plantmusic #doommetal #synthdrone #dronemusic #spaceseer #praiseradigue #elianeradigue
#synth #plant #synthsounds #plantsandsynths #plantasia #synthesizer #modularsynth #moog #mutableinstruments #dreadbox #makenoise #biomusic #biologicalmusic #science #instruo #scion #altar #synthaltar #doomsynth #boxingday #electricity #electricsignals #monday #biology #laboratory #plants #biodata #synthwave #plantwave #plantwaves #musicforplants #plantmusic #doommetal #synthdrone #dronemusic #spaceseer #praiseradigue #elianeradigue
Éliane Radigue
In the 1950's she trained in the techniques of Musique concrète with Pierre Schaeffer. But it wasn't until the late 1960's that she began to record and create her own work. From the start she was interested in the sonic materiality of the machines she worked with. What others would consider artefacts and flaws she would use as the instrument. She acquired an ARP 2500 around 1970, and unlike others, who used it to create novel emulations of traditional forms of instrumental music, she drew out the raw hum and weave of the device. She can spend an hour drawing out the hum of an oscillator. If you are in desperate need of another rabbit hole to fall into, there is an entire micro subculture obsessively studying photographs of her on her ARP 2500 trying to reverse engineer her technique.
Her Bandcamp site is
Here's a delightful short documentary of her revisiting her work
#music #ÉlianeRadigue #MusiqueConcrète #ElectroAcoustic #documentary
#music #elianeradigue #musiqueconcrete #electroacoustic #documentary
So Many #Listenings
with Laetitia Sonami
by #composer Eliane Radigue
for Spring Spyre
"... you know, the #ARP has this matrix. She would leave me some bare-bone-something to get me going." #ElianeRadigue
#elianeradigue #arp #composer #listenings #interview