Quote from his Nobel Peace Prize 1986 Acceptance Speech. #quote #eliewiesel #nobelpeaceprize
#quote #eliewiesel #nobelpeaceprize
A moving quote from Elie Wiesel's 1986 Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech
#FierceCompassion #EngagedBuddhism #OpenHeart #SitDownRiseUp #ElieWiesel #HolocaustSurvivor #NobelPrizeSpeech #TakeSides #StandUpForChange #Interfere
#fiercecompassion #engagedbuddhism #openheart #sitdownriseup #eliewiesel #holocaustsurvivor #nobelprizespeech #takesides #standupforchange #interfere
Would you believe a #conservative trend to aggressively favor “neutrality” in public #schools banned the words the late #Holocaust survivor #ElieWiesel uttered while accepting his 1986 #NobelPeacePrize?
#LGBTQ #USPolitics #Education
#conservative #schools #holocaust #eliewiesel #nobelpeaceprize #lgbtq #uspolitics #education
On #HolocaustRememberanceDay a few powerful quotes from #ElieWiesel
#holocaustrememberanceday #eliewiesel
A new policy banning educators from #advocacy #activities” in the Central Bucks School District is already causing confusion and frustration over what that could entail. Central Bucks South High #SchoolLibrarian Matt Pecic said on Wednesday a principal told him to take down 4 posters w a quote from #ElieWiesel, world-renowned #HolocaustSurvivor & author. According to Pecic, principal said the poster violated the new policy. https://whyy.org/articles/pa-central-bucks-librarian-told-to-remove-holocaust-survivor-quote-advocacy-policy/ h/t @psuPete #CivilLiberties #Holocaust #history
#advocacy #activities #schoollibrarian #eliewiesel #holocaustsurvivor #civilliberties #holocaust #history
"Die Zahl der verbotenen Bücher nimmt in den Vereinigten Staaten zurzeit rasant zu."
#Canceln #USA #ElieWiesel #ToniMorisson #Stephen King #ArtSpiegelman #AldousHuxley #MargaretAtwood
#canceln #usa #eliewiesel #tonimorisson #stephen #artspiegelman #aldoushuxley #MargaretAtwood
“The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.”
#ElieWiesel (1928-2016)
#quotes #inspiration #fascism
#eliewiesel #quotes #inspiration #fascism
"We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented."
#Quotes #Fascism #EmotionalIntelligence #Oppression
#oppression #emotionalintelligence #Fascism #quotes #eliewiesel
Neutralität hilft dem Unterdrücker.
We must always take sides. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented