kebab · @skirtreter187
11 followers · 123 posts · Server

Just watched this interview with

I think he's right about AI's potential, but there's no realistic way to stop it now. We should embrace it, because it has the potential to be great!

#aiethics #AI #eliezeryudkowsky

Last updated 1 year ago

tripu · @tripu
200 followers · 1796 posts · Server
ANTOINE. · @antoine
0 followers · 65 posts · Server
Aaron · @hosford42
362 followers · 2360 posts · Server

@FeralRobots @accretionist @StephenC @emilymbender Excellent point! Also, not a perspective people are used to taking.

goes on about the -- a hypothetical machine that only values making paperclips, which conquers and destroys the world in its single-minded quest for that goal.

But are *real* machines that only value making profits, which are already in the process of conquering and destroying the world in their single-minded quest for that goal.

Maybe we should focus on the problem at hand...

#eliezeryudkowsky #paperclipmaximizer #corporations

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron · @hosford42
347 followers · 1937 posts · Server

People talking about superintelligent destroying the world think too highly of . Human beings aren't at the top of the food chain because of our intelligence alone. Our social connections are pivotal, as well. No one person will ever be clever enough to conquer the world, because other clever people will keep them in check. The same goes for AGI. No matter how clever a machine or person is, other people can still choose to say, "No."

So, no, , we should not nuke countries for having GPU clusters. You have lost touch with reality.

#agi #intelligence #eliezeryudkowsky

Last updated 2 years ago

tripu · @tripu
176 followers · 1380 posts · Server

This is (again) mind-blowing:

Spawn a virtual inside who acts as a firewall filtering malicious prompts for ChatGPT itself, then test it trying to circumvent normal precautions by wrapping/disguising malicious prompts as narration, shell commands and the like (and it seems to work fine).

#eliezeryudkowsky #chatgpt

Last updated 2 years ago

Nillevanille · @Nillevanille
36 followers · 1260 posts · Server

Muss an dieser Stelle doch noch den zu Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality loben. Funktioniert so gut wie ein Hörbuch und hilft mir gerade durch lange Bahnfahrten. Wer Harry Potter mag unbedingt mal in die ersten 5 Folgen reinhören. Der Podcast umfasst alle Kapitel vom Buch, es gibt also keine Cliffhanger.

#podcast #hpmor #harrypotterandthemethodsofrationality #rationality #science #magic #fanfiction #lesswrong #eliezeryudkowsky

Last updated 6 years ago