gargle · @gargle
8 followers · 34 posts · Server

Learning bit by bit. I _*love*_ the *scratch* buffer. The *Messages* come in handy too. Now I know the difference between ', #', and `! Can I have a !

#Emacs #elisp #wahoo

Last updated 1 year ago

Tunapunk · @wasamasa
349 followers · 1878 posts · Server

Revisited my torrent client project (using of course) and checked a bunch of torrent test files whether they can be processed without any extensions. To my surprise, the ISO torrent relies on the WebSeed extension, meaning that the torrent merely points at a list of HTTP/FTP URLs. So, unless another peer discovery mechanism like DHT is used, you'd be better off directly downloading from a HTTP/FTP mirror...

#elisp #archlinux

Last updated 1 year ago

Andros Fenollosa · @andros
214 followers · 1183 posts · Server

Prefiero testear con el REPL (si el lenguaje dispone), y realiza pruebas que se ejecuten en el pipeline. Considero que es un flujo like- TDD pero más dinámico.

#clojure #lisp #python #elisp

Last updated 1 year ago

@sachac has a great post about keeping track of packages in Emacs.This is something i'm absolutely gonna look into as I like to keep things tidy and updated.

Sacha Chua: How I keep track of new Emacs packages

#emacs #package #elisp

Last updated 1 year ago

trinux :verified: · @trinux
314 followers · 3622 posts · Server

El navegador , para amantes de , ya lo tienen disponible en .

#nyxt #emacs #elisp #flathub

Last updated 1 year ago

And last, but not least! Here's Dyer Dwelling on reverting the buffer. Now, I use `(global-set-key (kbd "<f5>") 'revert-buffer)` since ages because that's what Mike Zamansky suggested when I first started setting up my config. I use it all the time too. But here's an interesting take that's different:

Dyer Dwelling: Reverting Buffers

#emacs #elisp #config #code

Last updated 1 year ago

· @laejoh
7 followers · 117 posts · Server

in starts to look good! in on the left, tumblesocks on the right. See how much more information is shown! A good excuse to learn !

My modifications to can be found at

#tumblesocks #emacs #tumblr #firefox #elisp

Last updated 1 year ago

Alan · @alan
4 followers · 26 posts · Server

I took the opportunity of 29.1 release to switch to an init file, try the Vertico-Embark-Marginalia-Consult-Corfu way of life and increase use-package usage. That --init-directory option is really useful! Next (big) step, publish that small major-mode I'm working on. That would be the right occasion to properly learn .

#emacs #orgmode #elisp

Last updated 1 year ago

· @laejoh
6 followers · 113 posts · Server

My first function for that I wrote myself, -view-notifications!

#emacs #elisp #tumblesocks

Last updated 1 year ago

Okay so I've been trying to follow Mike Zamansky's learning eLisp series, but I've gotten sidetracked with a lot of other stuff (mostly relaxing). But I'm not giving up and he just released another thing about it:

C'est la Z: Learning Elisp 7

#emacs #programming #course #series #code #elisp

Last updated 1 year ago

And lastly: I don't use any sort of computer background scripts, though I know they're pretty popular. I love my Apple ones though because they're so perfect (and they change lighting during the day and night). BUT….if you DO use one of these scripts, check this out!

Dyer Dwelling: Saving My Favourite Wallpapers

#emacs #elisp #background #photo #picture #desktop

Last updated 1 year ago

· @gholk
78 followers · 1908 posts · Server

@SouthFox 有 texinfo 版可以直接在 emacs 裡讀, 再加上 scheme mode 寫習題也方便。
讀了對寫 emasc lisp 系有一些幫助, 但也不是直接相通; 裡的函數很多都有副作用, 還有幾個幽魂一樣的動態作用域。 還有那做一半的函數命名空間 (lisp-2, type 2 lisp), function symbol command 三位一體


Last updated 1 year ago

· @jtb
25 followers · 524 posts · Server

I have written a program in which outputs numbers to the screen. I byte compiled it. I can run the program with as a script like this:

emacs --script myprog.elc

And it works.

But if I natively compile the program using emacs-lisp-native-compile-and-load it compiles the program but then attempts to run it in emacs which doesn't work because it uses print. So I try to run the compiled code which has appeared in native-lisp with an eln suffix but I get a segmentation fault!

#elisp #emacs

Last updated 1 year ago

· @jtb
24 followers · 500 posts · Server

Is there a way to tell if has been natively compiled? I used the option ./configure --with-native-compilation=aot but the files in /usr/local/share/emacs/29.1/lisp are either elc (which presumably is byte code) or el.gz which is compressed source.

#emacs #elisp

Last updated 1 year ago

Glin76 · @pedro76
1 followers · 7 posts · Server

Remember I am a newbie : I wanted to open a link from into
I am sure there's already a way, but I didn't find it

So it was the opportunity to make my first code (obviously some bits are copied from internet).
I begin to realize what "empowerment" means when you become a
Sure not academic but it works !

Attachments: None

#emacs #qutebrowser #elisp #systemcrafters

Last updated 1 year ago

Andy Scott · @ascott
344 followers · 148 posts · Server

Trying to update my config to be more friendly with lexical binding, and just generally improve performance... it's like learning all over again, except this time with a bunch of junk in my head I don't need.

It's not even complicated stuff, just replacing things like 'add-to-list' and 'defvar' with 'push' and 'let' (respectively). Somehow I still manage to keep breaking things in new and unexpected ways 🙃

#emacs #elisp

Last updated 1 year ago

LisPi · @lispi314
643 followers · 13310 posts · Server

@benpate @kkarhan @skye Making it in a local client-server pattern can be very useful regarding this, as it enables users to easily swap-in alternative frontends.

Many applications could easily be wrapped with & by users for practically free first-class audio desktop support.

#emacspeak #elisp #emacs

Last updated 1 year ago

Giovanni Crisalfi · @gicrisf
71 followers · 209 posts · Server
Alecu Ștefan-Iulian :verified: · @alecui
136 followers · 1194 posts · Server

I have quite a lot more followers than I did when I first wrote my introduction, so it’s only fair that I’m writing a new one, bump up the major version.

Hi! o/

I am Ștefan (ș as sh, I also accept Stephan or the equivalent in your language). I’m 21 years old, ♑, he/him, proud and soon to graduate CS @ UVABc. Sort of proudly living in . My native language is Romanian, fairly proficient at English, slowly learning (and ).

Tried a lot of programming languages in my childhood up until now, a non-chronological list of ones that stuck with me for one reason or another being: VB6 (that’s what I started on at 8 years old), (+ and ), (+ ), , (usually , on a good day and ), , , , , , -2, ++, , , (+ ), , , , , , , , and . I don’t claim full proficiency in all of these, but I’m familiar enough with these (+ some others not mentioned here) that I could get along just fine with 2 weeks at most of studying and looking through cookbooks and examples). I’m flexible in learning new languages and technologies if needed.

I also do and for fun (especially functional equations and number theory problems, sometimes calculus and geometric algebra). I am interested in , ( and ) and , contemporary (post-‘45, usually post-‘89 for me) history, history, lower-level stuff (I like to learn about how tools around me work, I’m most interested in , and ), and , + , , , , , , (especially in a worldbuilding context) and , along with other less notable interests.

I engage in relatively often irl, although I’m not inserting it in absolutely every scenario in my life. As I mentioned, I’m a and (or… um… ) (Nazis and fascists can have a merry fuck off, DNI with me). I am also a spiritual person, a (if you really want to put it that way, an agnostic, although it’s not quite true) and I find and interesting (I’ll let you guess my moon and ascendant, let’s see how close you are).

With that being said, I hope I’m welcome here, you can pick your subset of things that interest you from this list, you have plenty of options. :P Quite a bit longer than last time, but oh well…

#introduction #intro #introductions #leftist #romania #finnish #italian #pascal #delphi #tcltk #elisp #freepascal #perl #elixir #php #forth #modula #fsharp #smalltalk #squeak #pharo #self #amiga #plan9 #philosophy #astronomy #politics #progressive #woke #tarot #tcl #lisp #scheme #raku #emacslisp #commonlisp #lua #oberon #cpp #c #ocaml #ada #powershell #dart #matlab #rlang #zig #nim #cobol #julia #sudoku #math #linguists #conlangs #lojban #esperanto #nlp #balkan #compilers #emulators #microcontrollers #typography #latex #linux #bsd #msdos #deist #astrology

Last updated 1 year ago

Andros Fenollosa · @andros
184 followers · 964 posts · Server

Lo comento en la newsletter, pero para el resto os informo que he dejado de usar un servicio de newsletter. Ahora la generación del HTML, envío por SMTP de los correos, gestión de suscritos y la programación de publicaciones... todo, ahora lo hago directamente desde con un script en
Lo iré mejorando paulatinamente con más funcionalidades, me resulta suficiente.

#emacs #elisp

Last updated 1 year ago