#TodasLasVecesQueNosEnamoramos, la nueva serie de #CarlosMontero (#ÉliteNetflix), llega a #Netflix el 14 de febrero, justo para pasar un San Valentín romántico en casa con #GeorginaAmorós (#ÉliteNetflix) y #FrancoMasini (#Rebelde)
#todaslasvecesquenosenamoramos #carlosmontero #elitenetflix #netflix #georginaamoros #francomasini #rebelde
RT @PreviouslySerie@twitter.com
La exitosa serie de @NetflixES@twitter.com RENUEVA por una 8a, 9a y 10a temporada.
La serie finalizará con dicha 10T, que tendrá un total de 10 capítulos y estará marcada por un GRAN EVENTO:
El reencuentro de los ex-alumnos de Las Encinas.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PreviouslySerie/status/1607874241885573122
Any #Elite fans (or have you watched enough episodes)? A mate tells me it's a series for adults, proof being there's plenty of sex scenes.
I think the target audience is teenagers, and that depictions of sex is common on that segment on this day and age.
What do you think? 🤔 #Netflix #EliteNetflix
After watching 1899 I came across a Spanish Netflix show called Elite, which has had 6 seasons over only the last 4 years. It's one of those high school dramas where you're like, aren't these actors all pushing 30? The students are mostly filthy rich, which surprisingly makes for good drama, and the murder rate is higher than Cabot Cove. There's a high turnover in cast after season 3, so by season 6 it's almost a different show. It's easy to watch and I enjoyed it. #EliteNetflix #1899Netflix
Wow #eliteNetflix season 6 is still the Spanish Skins except even more wild, and I LOVE that they have cute af new trans character Nico. Let's hope, in the words of our Mother Rupaul, they *don't* fuck it up.
Nuova stagione di #Elite. Titoli, omicidio. Le certezze #EliteNetflix #Elite6
Iniziamo la nuova stagione di #elite #elite6 #elitenetflix #netflix
#netflix #elitenetflix #elite6 #elite