Hello again, friends! I'll be live-streaming #Elixir content in about 90 minutes! We'll wrap up the integration of Regulator and maybe revisit our #Rustlang Datalog implementation. Join me https://twitch.tv/seanicuscode
Starts at https://everytimezone.com/s/16d1847a
#elixir #rustlang #myelixirstatus #webeamtogether
If you are using elixir-ls as your language server for your #elixir stuff, you should really try out https://github.com/lexical-lsp/lexical. I am using it for a week now and it’s amazing. Way better completion, quicker and less weird behavior that leads to restarting the language server 🥰
📕 You know shit is about to get real when your #Elixir book club reading stars with this disclaimer.
Elixir was built on Erlang. Erlang was built to provide “consistently low latency” and a few other audacious goals.
This is the third part of my effort to unpack Elixir and we cover real-time and latency.
As I learn more about #Erlang more I appreciate it and more I also appreciate #Elixir.
People say Elixir “is just a beautiful Erlang wrapper” but, though technically it might be the case, in practice it is definitely not!
#erlang #elixir #myelixirstatus #myerlangstatus #mybeamstatus #myotpstatus
The #Copenhagen #Elixir September #Meetup is shaping up. There will be talks about a collaborative editor written in Phoenix and a presentation about the #nervesframework.
Go here for more information: https://github.com/cphex/cphex/issues/68 and remember to sign up on the meet up dot com page if you are in town and want to attend.
#copenhagen #elixir #meetup #nervesframework
Sunday, SUNDAY, SOMEDAY! Happy Laybor Daybor weekend, folks! Let's code some #Elixir and #Rustlang together today in a double-length stream https://twitch.tv/seanicuscode
Starts at 3:30PM CDT (https://everytimezone.com/s/b1042d0b) and will feature a very special guest, the inimitable @quinn!
#elixir #rustlang #myelixirstatus #webeamtogether #rustaceans
I was having a blast with Wallaby and Chrome. Just install chromedriver and you're good to go.
Sadly, the world looks a bit different with firefox. Now, to make it work, I also have to take care of Selenium which is ... unconvinient to say the least.
Recent videos on #DiodeZone:
▫️ #3DModelling stream VOD
▫️ #RetroGaming and #RetroComputing series episodes
▫️ Building a toy robot in #Elixir
▫️ Installing an SSD into an iMac G3
▫️ Gameplay videos of #Doom, #Minetest, #DK64, various RPGs, and #Pinball
▫️ Audio/synth noodling
▫️ Math, art, and sausage dogs
#diodezone #3dmodelling #retrogaming #retrocomputing #elixir #doom #minetest #dk64 #pinball #peertube
Submitted to a couple of different conferences over the past two weeks. Really hoping to be able to give my #elixir and LiveView talk at least one more time to justify all the effort I put into it. Going to give it at work sometime soon to, but would love to end up with a recorded version somewhere I can share.
#qiita #ShellScript #Erlang #関数型言語 #Elixir #Docker
#qiita #shellscript #erlang #関数型言語 #elixir #docker
Another part of my fledgling series Unpacking Elixir. This time I try to unpack, discuss and exemplify the syntax of the language. Hope you enjoy :)
I just posted a quick guide on integrating @telemetrydeck with Phoenix Telemetry:
#elixir #phoenix #letskeepitanonymous
@todd_a_jacobs The answer is #Elixir. It's Ruby-inspired (the creator is an ex RoR core maintainer), and powerful metaprogramming is at its core. Maybe, even better than in Ruby. José named in a video or podcast a conference talk that inspired him to have an "extendable language" but I can't recall the talk name.
Here is my collection of videos to learn more about Elixir and why it's cool:
Just spent two hours on the phone with @zachdaniel to track down this unbelievably unlikely bug with the #elixir compiler. https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir/issues/12897
If you are working at a company doing Elixir that is stable/profitable and want to grab some of the great candidates that are suddenly either looking or considering options I would love to talk because there are some wildly capable folks out there now.
DM, email or whatever is fine.
Elixir Oasis is a new addition to the existing list of Elixir community resources. It’s a space that actively welcomes women, members of the LGBTQIA+ community, Elixirists of all racial and ethnic backgrounds, anyone new to Elixir, and more.
#elixir #myelixirstatus #erlang
The good people at Trifork (and Erlang Solutions) have offered to host the meet up on September 21. Please get in contact if you have something to present, or suggest a topic you want to hear about in the organising thread found here: https://github.com/cphex/cphex/issues/68
Boost for reach, and please share the organising issue far and wide.