Elizabeth Bishop and her cat, Minnow. #CatsOfYore #Cat #Cats #History #catsodon #catsofmastodon #catcontent #ilovecats #vintage #elizabethbishop #greycat http://jazzriffing.blogspot.com/2014/02/of-bishop-billie-and-blues.html
#catsofyore #cat #cats #history #catsodon #catsofmastodon #catcontent #ilovecats #vintage #elizabethbishop #greycat
Epanorthosis in Elizabeth Bishop’s “The Monument”. #111Words #ElizabethBishop #Epanorthosis #RhetoricalFigures #Poetry https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2023/03/epanorthosis-in-elizabeth-bishops.html
#poetry #rhetoricalfigures #epanorthosis #elizabethbishop #111words
villanelle for the day. #elizabethbishop
Delicate Things
"Why shouldn't we, so generally addicted to the gigantic, at last have some small works of art, some short poems, short pieces of music […], some intimate, low-voiced, and delicate things in our mostly huge and roaring, glaring world?" — Elizabeth Bishop
For all the big plans we make, most of our life is lived in routine. This blog is most often fueled b
#Art #Culture #Habits #Music #Poetry #Writing #ElizabethBishop
#art #culture #habits #music #poetry #writing #elizabethbishop
Delicate Things
"Why shouldn't we, so generally addicted to the gigantic, at last have some small works of art, some short poems, short pieces of music […], some intimate, low-voiced, and delicate things in our mostly huge and roaring, glaring world?" — Elizabeth Bishop
For all the big plans we make, most of our life is lived in routine. This blog is most often fueled b
#Art #Culture #Habits #Music #Poetry #Writing #ElizabethBishop
#art #culture #habits #music #poetry #writing #elizabethbishop
"The art of losing isn't hard to master;
so many things seem filled with the intent
to be lost that their loss is no disaster.
Lose something every day. Accept the fluster
of lost door keys, the hour badly spent.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.
Then practice losing farther, losing faster:
places, and names, and where it was you meant
to travel. None of these will bring disaster.
I lost my mother’s watch. And look! My last, or
next-to-last, of three loved houses went.
The art of losing isn't hard to master.
I lost two cities, lovely ones. And, vaster,
some realms i owned, two rivers, a continent.
I miss them, but it wasn't a disaster.
-- Even losing you (the joking voice, a gesture
I love) I shan't have lied. It's evident
the art of losing’s not to hard to master
though it may look like (Write it!) like disaster."
The Land of the Whispering Trees
Let us live in the land of the whispering trees,Alder and aspen and poplar and birch,Singing our prayers in a pale, sea-green breeze,With star-flower rosaries and moss banks for church.All of our dreams will be clearer than glass,Clad in the water or sun, as you wish,We will watch the white feet of the young morning passAnd dine upon
#Poetry #Learning #Nature #Seasons #ElizabethBishop
#poetry #learning #Nature #seasons #elizabethbishop
The Land of the Whispering Trees
Let us live in the land of the whispering trees,Alder and aspen and poplar and birch,Singing our prayers in a pale, sea-green breeze,With star-flower rosaries and moss banks for church.All of our dreams will be clearer than glass,Clad in the water or sun, as you wish,We will watch the white feet of the young morning passAnd dine upon
#Poetry #Learning #Nature #Seasons #ElizabethBishop
#poetry #learning #Nature #seasons #elizabethbishop
Emily Dickinson's birthday and dashes in Robert Frost and Elizabeth Bishop. #111Words #EmilyDickinson #ImNobody #RobertFrost #TheRoadNotTaken #ElizabethBishop #Dashes #Poetry https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2022/12/emily-dickinsons-birthday-and-dashes-in.html
#poetry #dashes #elizabethbishop #theroadnottaken #RobertFrost #imnobody #emilydickinson #111words
I originally came across this as a song by The Ex and just recently realized that their song, "The Art of Losing", was adapted from this poem, "One Art", by Elizabeth Bishop. It's worth a read.
#elizabethbishop #theex #music #poetry
A shout-out to a great new anthology of poems and essays, The American Sonnet, ed. Dora Malech and Laura T. Smith, which according to Ursula passes the sniff test. My essay is about the short-lined #sonnet, #ElizabethBishop, and #AdrienneSu (& here I am using hashtags Mastodon says no one is interested in, but #obscurehashtagsrule)
#sonnet #elizabethbishop #adriennesu #obscurehashtagsrule
The cost of _Lyric Shame_, granted not a new #book, keeps going up for some probably bad reason, but Harvard U Press is having a 30% sale until the end of December if you plug in HOL22 at checkout. So - buy _Lyric Shame_, now only.... 40 bucks! :/. #poetry #lyric #theory #reading #shame #poetics #BernadetteMayer #AnneSexton #ElizabethBishop #Litcrit #historical #culturalanalysis
#book #poetry #lyric #theory #reading #shame #poetics #BernadetteMayer #annesexton #elizabethbishop #litcrit #historical #culturalanalysis
"Lent trees" in Elizabeth Bishop's "Electrical Storm". #111Words #ElizabethBishop #QuestionsOfTravel #ElectricalStorm #LentTree #Quaresmeira https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2022/12/lent-trees-in-elizabeth-bishops.html
#quaresmeira #lenttree #electricalstorm #questionsoftravel #elizabethbishop #111words
My #introduction (part one)
Hi. I’m Adlai. I try to devote myself to making art while #multiplesclerosis seems to be devoted to ripping me apart.
Sorry to be so gloomy there, but I had to get that out of the way.
Originally from the States, I’ve been living in the Czech Republic for the past 16 years. My passions include #maryruefle, #elizabethbishop, #wallacestevens, #borges, #bach, #Schnittke, #wendyartin, #linguistics, #gratefuldead, #ontology, #epistemology and all sorts …
#introduction #multiplesclerosis #maryruefle #elizabethbishop #wallacestevens #borges #bach #Schnittke #wendyartin #linguistics #gratefuldead #ontology #epistemology
#TheSonnets - William #Shakespeare
#DonQuixote - Miguel de #Cervantes
#LyricalBallads - Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth
Emily Dickinsons Poems - As She Preserved Them - #EmilyDickinson, edited by Cristanne Miller
The Complete Poems - 1927 - 1979 - #ElizabethBishop
The Complete Poetry Of Aimé Césaire - Bilingual Edition- #AiméCésaire
Can You Hear, Bird? - #JohnAshbery
#7books #thesonnets #shakespeare #donquixote #cervantes #lyricalballads #emilydickinson #elizabethbishop #aimecesaire #johnashbery
Adding Elizabeth Bishop's reference to Lucky Strikes to the Wikipedia page about the cigarettes. #111Words #ElizabethBishop #LuckyStrike #Poetry #Wikipedia https://andrewjshields.blogspot.com/2022/11/adding-elizabeth-bishops-reference-to.html
#wikipedia #poetry #luckystrike #elizabethbishop #111words
Are people interested in writing exercises here? I ran one about places and height/depth this weekend, thought I'd share it.
First we read and chatted about The Man-Moth by Elizabeth Bishop, which you can find here (it is too long for screenshots but it is a banger): https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/47537/the-man-moth
We talked about it particularly in the context of a quote from Gaston Bachelard which I will stick in the next toot
#poetry #writing #WritingExercise #ElizabethBishop #GastonBachelard #poetics
#poetry #writing #writingexercise #elizabethbishop #gastonbachelard #poetics