I appreciate that elk.zone is not showing my favorites on other people's post. I'd like to know why so I can continue to have this privacy across platforms and I don"t turn on the wrong setting by mistake.
@elk or anyone else who has any ideas?
My hunch is this is because I opted out of discoverability across all of my accounts.
#FediversePrivacy #Fediverse #MastodonPrivacy #Mastodon #AkkomaPrivacy #Akkoma #CalckeyPrivacy #Calckey #FavoritePrivacy #FavoriteDiscoverability #Favorite #FavoritesPrivacy #FavoritesDiscoverability #Favortes #ElkClient #ElkWebClient #ElkWeb #ElkPrivacy
#fediverseprivacy #Fediverse #mastodonprivacy #Mastodon #akkomaprivacy #akkoma #calckeyprivacy #calckey #favoriteprivacy #favoritediscoverability #favorite #favoritesprivacy #favoritesdiscoverability #favortes #elkclient #elkwebclient #elkweb #elkprivacy
Ok I did say I had no notes for the Elk client… but this has happened not just once.
Meet Elk, the new Mastodon Front End for Sakurajima
#uncategorized #elk #elkclient #instanceupdates #mastodon
One of the many beauties of an open protocol/platform: many more clients, with full access to all features (unlike Twitter’s stunted API). Not just OS apps, but alternative websites. Here’s one: https://elk.zone/mstdn.party/@stewf
No multicolumn view yet, but does offer something big I was missing: log into multiple accounts at once.
Thank you, @antfu @danielroe @sxzz @patak!
#MastodonMigration #Feditips #MastodonTips #MastodonClients #ElkClient
#mastodonmigration #feditips #mastodontips #elkclient #mastodonclients