Via Neville F Chamberlain @nevillefchambe1
“A SHOT IN THE DARK” (1964) directed by #BlakeEdwards is the second installment in The Pink Panther film series, starring #PeterSellers, #ElkeSommer and #HerbertLom
#movies #ashotinthedark #blakeedwards #petersellers #elkesommer #herbertlom
57 years ago:
Boy, Did I Get a Wrong Number! (US)
Tom Meade mistakenly dials the gorgeous European film star Didi at her Oregon hotel. Didi, who has escaped Hollywood to avoid being typecast as a bombshell, takes up Meade's offer to hide away at his backwoods cabin. Meade, with the help of his housekeeper, goes to absurd lengths to help the actress...
#BoyDidIGetaWrongNumber #GeorgeMarshall #BobHope #ElkeSommer #MarjorieLord #ClassicFilm
#boydidigetawrongnumber #georgemarshall #bobhope #elkesommer #marjorielord #classicfilm
63 years ago:
Howlers of the Dock (IT)
Original title: Urlatori Alla Sbarra
Follows the adventures of a group of friends, teddy boys and rock and roll chicks whose crazy, fun-loving habits inspire jiving from some of Rome's citizens, and bitter complants from others which inspire a group of corrupt officials determined to a bring the group down.
#HowlersoftheDock #LucioFulci #AdrianoCelentano #ElkeSommer #LinoBanfi #ClassicMovies
#howlersofthedock #luciofulci #adrianocelentano #elkesommer #linobanfi #classicmovies
56 years ago:
Deadlier Than the Male (UK)
British agent Bulldog Drummond is assigned to stop a master criminal who uses beautiful women to do his killings.
#DeadlierThantheMale #RichardJohnson #ElkeSommer #SylvaKoscina #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#deadlierthanthemale #richardjohnson #elkesommer #sylvakoscina #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film