Reese Amorosi · @Glamorosi
124 followers · 68 posts · Server

I am elated to share the news that during 3 rounds of competition, my 13 plant entries won 29 ribbons at the 2023 PHS Philadelphia Flower Show: one 1st Prize; seven 2nd Prize; five 3rd Prize; twelve Honorable Mentions; four Class Commendations. The annual gardening event ran March 4-12.

The plant shown here is my PLATYCERIUM BIFURCATUM 'NETHERLANDS' (common name "Elkhorn Fern"), a plant I purchased years ago as a baby with just a few green leaves and no basal fronds. I will never get over the thrill of entering the Convention Center and spotting this blue ribbon from across the room.

#glamorosicooks #PhiladelphiaFlowerShow #platyceriumbifurcatum #staghornfern #elkhornfern #botany #gardening #organicgardening #plantlady #plantmom #greenthumb #houseplants #houseplantsofmastodon #gardeningmastodon #gardenersofmastodon #plantsmakepeoplehappy #florespondence #nofilter

Last updated 2 years ago

Reese Amorosi · @Glamorosi
124 followers · 68 posts · Server

I am elated to share the news that during 3 rounds of competition, my 13 plant entries won 29 ribbons at the 2023 PHS Philadelphia Flower Show: one 1st Prize; seven 2nd Prize; five 3rd Prize; twelve Honorable Mentions; four Class Commendations. The annual gardening event ran March 4-12.

The plant shown here is my PLATYCERIUM BIFURCATUM 'NETHERLANDS' (common name "Elkhorn Fern"), a plant I purchased years ago as a baby with just a few green fronds and no basal fronds. I will never get over the thrill of seeing it win a blue ribbon.

#glamorosicooks #PhiladelphiaFlowerShow #platyceriumbifurcatum #staghornfern #elkhornfern #botany #gardening #organicgardening #plantlady #plantmom #greenthumb #houseplants #houseplantsofmastodon #gardeningmastodon #gardenersofmastodon #plantsmakepeoplehappy #florespondence #nofilter

Last updated 2 years ago