#Pazifismus #Frieden #Krieg #Friedensaktivist #Friedensbewegung #AntiKriegsbewegung
Der Tod des Friedens-Aktivisten und #Whistleblowers Daniel #Ellsberg – Reflexionen zum Sicherheitsstaat und zur Anti-Kriegs-Bewegung
Daniel Ellsberg kämpfe bis zum Ende, um vor der Bedrohung von atomaren Kriegen zu warnen und verstarb am 16. Juni 2023. Der 92-jährige Whistleblower hinterließ ein Vermächtnis des Friedens-Aktivismus, das bis hin zu seiner mutigen Veröffentlichung der „Pentagon Papers“ im Jahr 1971 reicht. Könnte sein Engagement angesichts des fortschreitenden Sicherheitsstaates und der schwindenden Friedensbewegung in den heutigen Zeiten des Ukraine Krieges wiederholt werden?
Von Roger Harris
#ellsberg #whistleblowers #pentagonpapers #Antikriegsbewegung #friedensbewegung #Friedensaktivist #krieg #frieden #pazifismus
I finished reading Daniel #Ellsberg's infuriating but eye-opening book "The Doomsday Machine" yesterday.
Today I started the "Pre-delegation authority" article on #Wikipedia to dispel the myth that *only* the president can order a nuclear strike: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pre-delegation_authority (more expansion to come)
Lo scorso giugno è morto a 92 anni Daniel #Ellsberg, forse il primo #whistleblower
Nel 1971 Ellsberg ha reso pubblici i Pentagon Papers, documenti riservati sulla guerra in Vietnam
Come (e prima) di #Snowden e #Assange, #Ellsberg ha deciso di rivelare la verità sostenendone tutte le conseguenze personali
Su di lui c'è un bel ricordo di Democracy Now. Si trova qui: https://www.democracynow.org/2023/7/3/rip_daniel_ellsberg_most_dangerous_man
#ellsberg #whistleblower #snowden #assange
Remembering #DanielEllsberg
#Ellsberg will be remembered prominently for providing #PentagonPapers to #NYTimes. He was rightly a hero to anyone who believes we must be in a position to evaluate gov and cast votes based upon truth rather than lies. Dan was steadfast debunking myths arouund gov secrecy as gave unwavering support to others who took courageous steps to tell truth about illegal, immoral, and improper gov actions, especially around matters of #nationalsecurity.
#danielellsberg #ellsberg #pentagonpapers #nytimes #nationalsecurity
"What risks are you willing to take for the truth? That question is at the center of a new five-part GroundTruth Podcast series exploring the life of Daniel Ellsberg."
The Whistleblower: Truth, Dissent, and the Legacy of #DanielEllsberg
#Ellsberg #EllsbergArchiveProject #LanceursDAlerte #LibertéDeLaPresse #journalisme #GuerreDuVietnam #PentagonPapers #RIPDanielEllsberg
#danielellsberg #ellsberg #ellsbergarchiveproject #lanceursdalerte #libertedelapresse #journalisme #guerreduvietnam #pentagonpapers #ripdanielellsberg
"During the last chapter of Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel #Ellsberg's life, he frequently tried to correct US #MediaPundits, who claimed modern-day #whistleblowers were not like him because they did not come forward with information 'the right way.' "
#Media Delusions About #PentagonPapers Whistleblower #DanielEllsberg
#LanceursDAlerte #LibertéDeLaPresse #journaleux #journalisme #EdwardSnowden #ChelseaManning #JulianAssange #RIPDanielEllsberg
#ellsberg #mediapundits #whistleblowers #kevingosztola #media #pentagonpapers #danielellsberg #lanceursdalerte #libertedelapresse #journaleux #journalisme #edwardsnowden #chelseamanning #julianassange #ripdanielellsberg
"During the last chapter of Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel #Ellsberg's life, he frequently tried to correct US #MediaPundits, who claimed modern-day #whistleblowers were not like him because they did not come forward with information 'the right way.' "
#Media Delusions About #PentagonPapers Whistleblower #DanielEllsberg
#LanceursDAlerte #LibertéDeLaPresse #journalisme #EdwardSnowden #ChelseaManning #JulianAssange #RIPDanielEllsberg
#ellsberg #mediapundits #whistleblowers #kevingosztola #media #pentagonpapers #danielellsberg #lanceursdalerte #libertedelapresse #journalisme #edwardsnowden #chelseamanning #julianassange #ripdanielellsberg
Finally Daniel #Ellsberg is remembered on the front page of the English #Wikipedia in the "Recent deaths" section. His article wasn't in great shape and a number of editors pitched in to bring it up to the front-page standard.
(There's a separate debate on why he didn't get a full bulleted "blurb", consensus appears that he wasn't notable/important enough which IMO is really just a sign that more needs to be done to properly explain and justify his legacy as much more than the Pentagon Papers)
Honour Daniel #Ellsberg by Abrogating the Espionage Act
Daniel Ellsberg’s courage and contributions should be honored by abrogating the #EspionageAct of 1917, which was designed to stifle his example of dissent and whistleblowing
The Late Daniel #Ellsberg’s Wish: Free Julian #Assange, Encourage #Whistleblowers https://truthout.org/video/the-late-daniel-ellsbergs-wish-free-julian-assange-encourage-whistleblowers/
#whistleblowers #assange #ellsberg
"We remember the life and legacy of #PentagonPapers whistleblower #DanielEllsberg, who died Friday at the age of 92, just months after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. In 1971, Daniel #Ellsberg, then a top military strategist working for the RAND Corporation, risked life in prison by secretly copying and then leaking 7,000 pages of top-secret documents outlining the secret history of the US #WarInVietnam."
#pentagonpapers #danielellsberg #ellsberg #warinvietnam #rip #lanceursdalerte #heros #libertedelapresse
"We remember the life and legacy of #PentagonPapers whistleblower #DanielEllsberg, who died Friday at the age of 92, just months after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. In 1971, Daniel Ellsberg, then a top military strategist working for the RAND Corporation, risked life in prison by secretly copying and then leaking 7,000 pages of top-secret documents outlining the secret history of the US #WarInVietnam."
#pentagonpapers #danielellsberg #warinvietnam #rip #lanceursdalerte #ellsberg #libertedelapresse
« la vérité est une des rares armes que nous avons pour changer le monde ». Noam Chomsky
Daniel #Ellsberg and the Endless Federal Lies https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/06/19/daniel-ellsberg-and-the-endless-federal-lies/
Appropriately, this paper on #ambiguity comes out three days after the passing of Daniel #Ellsberg, who made seminal contributions to the literature we build upon
Daniel #Ellsberg’s Last Message https://www.counterpunch.org/2023/06/19/daniel-ellsbergs-last-message/
La storia di #Ellsberg è fondamentale da conoscere per chiunque si dica #pacifista. Riuscì a scavare nel cumulo di menzogne su cui poggiava la #guerra del #Vietnam. Ellsberg ha continuato a battersi anche contro questa guerra in #Ucraina prendendo le distanze anche dalle decisioni di #Biden.
#ellsberg #pacifista #guerra #Vietnam #ucraina #Biden
Daniel #Ellsberg and Julian #Assange https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2023/06/19/unmo-j19.html
"[A]t the age of 90, he was willing to risk the prison sentence he had been spared when he was 42. But as aggressive as the Justice Department has become in using the #EspionageAct, it apparently wanted no part in going along with Mr. #Ellsberg’s plan."
Why the #PentagonPapers Leaker Tried to Get Prosecuted Near His Life’s End
#DanielEllsberg #LanceursDAlerte #LibertéDeLaPresse #Assange #Snowden #USPol
#espionageact #ellsberg #pentagonpapers #danielellsberg #lanceursdalerte #libertedelapresse #assange #snowden #uspol