"One of the biggest certainties with an El Niño is that global temperature will ratchet up, as they always do during El Niño years, because the ocean releases exceptional amounts of heat into the atmosphere." https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/el-nino-may-break-a-record-and-reshape-weather-around-the-globe/ #Climate #Science #ElNiño @science
Source: https://twitter.com/sciam/status/1671943252398800912
An ominous heating event is unfolding in the oceans - To call what’s happening in the oceans right now an anomaly is a bit of an ... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1935397 #climatechange #syndication #science #elniño #laniña #oceans
#oceans #laniña #elniño #science #syndication #climatechange
Very interesting set of talks at #AGU22 #Climate of the Common Era session this morning. Take-home messages:
- J. Conroy looks at lake sediments in Line Islands spanning last millennium & finds consistent ENSO #hydroclimate response acc. to Line Island corals.
- J. Cole shows Galapagos coral records of last millennium - finds that EP #ENSO (#ElNiño) was 39% (!!) more subdued across last millennium than in 20th century.
- G. Falster finds that there *is* a strong volcanic imprint in the #Pacific Walker Circulation.
- N. Goodkin focuses on reconstructing #NAO tripole SST signals using Atlantic #corals.
#agu22 #climate #elniño #pacific #nao #corals #hydroclimate #enso
Very interesting set of talks at #AGU22 Climate of the Common Era session this morning. Take-home messages:
- J. Conroy looks at lake sediments in Line Islands spanning last millennium & finds consistent ENSO hydroclimate response acc. to Line Island corals.
- J. Cole shows Galapagos coral records of last millennium - finds that EP #ENSO (#ElNiño) was 39% (!!) more subdued across last millennium than in 20th century.
- G. Falster finds that there *is* a strong volcanic imprint in the Pacific Walker Circulation. #
- N. Goodkin focuses on reconstructing #NAO tripole SST signals using Atlantic corals.
La distanza Terra-Sole altera drasticamente le stagioni nel Pacifico equatoriale in un ciclo di 22.000 anni
#14Novembre #clima #ElNiño #OscillazioneElNiño-Sud(ENSO) https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly9nYWV0YW5pdW1iZXJ0by53b3JkcHJlc3MuY29tLzIwMjIvMTEvMTMvbGEtZGlzdGFuemEtdGVycmEtc29sZS1hbHRlcmEtZHJhc3RpY2FtZW50ZS1sZS1zdGFnaW9uaS1uZWwtcGFjaWZpY28tZXF1YXRvcmlhbGUtaW4tdW4tY2ljbG8tZGktMjIwMDAtYW5uaS8=.html
#OscillazioneElNiño #elniño #clima #14novembre
Piles of bones at a Baja CA site called “Shelter of the Scorpions” hint at a #ClimateChange tipping point: 5 or more major #ElNiño events per century dramatically change life on land and in the sea. Reporter Amy McDermott unpacks the findings. Full video: https://www.tiktok.com/@amy_g_mcd/video/7159344429957106990
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2022-09-arctic-sea-ice-loss-frequent.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2022-09-arctic-sea-ice-loss-frequent.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com@twitter.com: https://twitter.com/physorg_com/status/1573265840081981442#m
#Arcticseaice loss leads to more frequent strong #ElNiño events @ualbany @NatureComms https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-32705-2 https://phys.org/news/2022-09-arctic-sea-ice-loss-frequent.html
Global Annual to Decadal Climate Update - Executive Summary
There is no signal for the #ElNiño Southern Oscillation for December-February 2022/23, but the Southern Oscillation index is predicted to be positive in 2022.
Weak La Niña may re-emerge
#LaNiña refers to the large-scale cooling of the ocean surface temperatures in the central and eastern equatorial #PacificOcean, coupled with changes in the tropical atmospheric circulation, namely winds, pressure and rainfall. It usually has the opposite impacts on weather and climate as #ElNiño, which is the warm phase of the so-called El Niño Southern Oscillation (#ENSO).
#laniña #pacificocean #elniño #enso
2020 closes a decade of exceptional heat
“#Record #warm #years have usually coincided with a strong #ElNiño event, as was the case in 2016. We are now experiencing a #LaNiña, which has a cooling effect on global temperatures, but has not been sufficient to put a brake on this year’s heat. Despite the current La Niña conditions, this year has already shown near record heat comparable to the previous record of 2016.
#record #warm #years #elniño #laniña #climatechange
2020 Will Rival 2016 for Hottest Year on Record
Wherever it ultimately places in the record books, 2020’s feverish heat came #without the major #ElNiño event that boosted global temperatures to a new high four years ago—and thus this year provides an important marker of the power of the long-term warming trend driven by human activities that emit #Greenhouse Gas'es.
#without #elniño #greenhouse #climatecrisis
RT @WMO@twitter.com
We just had warmest January on record, slightly ahead of Jan 2016, per @CopernicusECMWF@twitter.com. Global averages of the marine air temperature and underlying sea surface temperature were both close to the peak values of the 2015/16 #ElNiño.
#Global#Warming is intensifying #ElNiño #weather | John Abraham | #Environment | The Guardian
#global #elniño #weather #environment #climatechange
#2017 was the #hottest #year on #record without #ElNiño boost | #Environment | The Guardian
#hottest #year #record #elniño #environment #globalwarming #climatechange