Wat is de relatie tussen Jezus Christus en de warmste dag ooit gemeten?
Antwoord op deze en andere prangende vragen in deze video:
"El Niño is terug en de hele wereld zal het weten":
#NOSop3 is fantastisch 😎
#NOSop3 #climatechange #elnino #elnina #corals
It’s supposed to snow for about 6 hours today. It took until 25 Feb to get any measurable snow. #ElNina
With El Niño set to return in 2023 the recent Science Alert that a Fluke Discovery of Ancient Farming Technique Could Stabilize Crop Yields becomes more urgent
Planting maslins – a combined mix of cereals that can include rice, millet, wheat, rye, barley and more - increases the chance of a good yield due to diversity and at least one grain type surviving. They are harvested together to be separated or used as a single product
#ScienceAlert #TheGuardian #ElNiño #ElNiña #Maslins #Wheat #Barley
Science Alert article https://www.sciencealert.com/fluke-discovery-of-ancient-farming-technique-could-stabilize-crop-yields
The Guardian El Niño article https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jan/16/return-of-el-nino-will-cause-off-the-chart-temperature-rise-climate-crisis
#ScienceAlert #theguardian #elnino #elnina #maslins #wheat #barley
Okay, Aussies, starting the process of re-setting up my home office. Looks like the 2 years of damp and rain resulted in some mold spots on the ceiling in there. I'm planning on masking up and scrubbing with vinegar, but please let me know if anybody's determined a more effective approach. (A full repaint of the house this year is definitely on the cards.) #ElNiña