The Weather Scene: The Biggest Weather Event This Year Is Coming
Welcome to The Weather Scene segment! Each week here on Geek Alabama, The Weather Scene will feature weather related content. Editor / publisher Nathan Yo
#WeatherTalkStuff #Climate #ClimateNews #ElNino #ElNinoSouthernOscillation #RyanHallYall #TheBiggestWeatherEventThisYearIsComing #Weather #WeatherNews #WeatherTalk #YouTube
#weathertalkstuff #climate #climatenews #elnino #elninosouthernoscillation #ryanhallyall #thebiggestweathereventthisyeariscoming #weather #weathernews #weathertalk #youtube
- "The #ElNiñoSouthernOscillation (#ENSO) is predicted to most likely be positive in December to February 2023/24" [1]
- "The #Arctic #temperature anomaly, relative to the 1991-2020 average, is predicted to be more than three times as large as the global mean #anomaly when averaged over the next five northern hemisphere extended winters" [1]
Press release at:
#WMO #ClimateChange #NextFiveYears #GlobalWarming #GlobalHeating #ElNino
#elninosouthernoscillation #enso #arctic #temperature #anomaly #wmo #ClimateChange #nextfiveyears #globalwarming #globalheating #elnino
- "The #ElNiñoSouthernOscillation (#ENSO) is predicted to most likely be positive in December to February 2023/24" [1]
- "The #Arctic #temperature anomaly, relative to the 1991-2020 average, is predicted to be more than three times as large as the global mean #anomaly when averaged over the next five northern hemisphere extended winters" [1]
Press release at:
#WMO #ClimateChange #NextFiveYears #GlobalWarming #GlobalHeating
#elninosouthernoscillation #enso #arctic #temperature #anomaly #wmo #ClimateChange #nextfiveyears #globalwarming #globalheating
#climate models show increase in variability of #ElNiñoSouthernOscillation (#ENSO) leads to reduced warming near the surface, but accelerated warming of deeper ocean waters, "…making ice shelves and ice sheets melt faster."
#climate #elninosouthernoscillation #enso