#Elon88Musk is a Feudalist
"This is #TechnoFeudalism. Whereas capitalists are seek profits (income from selling things), feudalists seek rents (income from owning the things other people use)."
@HamonWry #Zuckerburg is directly responsible for the #EthnicCleansing in #Myanmar, whereas #Elon88Musk is propped up by #UncleSam costing the US money.
#zuckerburg #ethniccleansing #myanmar #elon88musk #unclesam
@MissingThePt #Elon88Musk doesn't have the #Capital after burning #Twitter in to the ground.
@vwdasher Rush reminds me of #Elon88Musk, completely and hopelessly arrogant, which leads to his destruction.
@scuba_nut53 @acm_redfox The existence of #Teslas do irreparable harm to the environment. Both in the mining of Rare Earths as well as #Elon88Musk selling emission credits to auto makers putting gas guzzling, mass polluting SUVs and trucks on the roads.
@drvolts #Elon88Musk fired the team that manages that, and also fired customer service and PR.
No thanks, I don't like giving #Elon88Musk any eyeballs/money for his #NaziBirbSite
@lcrw Do you have this without me visiting the #NaziBirb site? Not a fan of actively funding #NeoNazis like #Elon88Musk.
#nazibirb #neonazis #elon88musk
What do you expect, #Elon88Musk is a died in the wool #Apartheid #racist #Nazi, ofc he is kicking leftist accounts off while actively platforming ones that seek to overthrow the US government.
#elon88musk #apartheid #racist #nazi
Hey there, any chance you could paste the info here on #Mastadon ?
No sense in supporting advertisers who condone #NeoNazis and fascists like #Elon88Musk .
#mastadon #neonazis #elon88musk
@donieosullivan Why give any more money to the advertisers actively supporting #NeoNazis and #Elon88Musk ?
@brainnotonyet not sure if we really need a repost of #Twitter, given it directly enriches #NeoNazi #Elon88Musk.
@YourAnonRiots #Elon88Musk wants children to #SelfHarm and kill themselves, no other way to view this action.
@KimCrayton1 #Elon88Musk was never a "Genius", just some rich racist Douche bag.
@brainnotonyet Easy, no longer on the #FascistBirbSite and making money for #Elon88Musk
@jordan @meer_salt
I know that #Elon88Musk is #ShadowBanning people so that the OP can see links but others see links as broken or don't even see the posts.