@randomwalker @sayashk Anything Leon Stink wants, we dont want.
I didnt like chatgpt but now I am all in favor.
Fuck Leon Stink
@mmasnick #ElonIsAToilet Wait you are telling me the guy fill of crap is lying?
@willoremus #ElonIsAToilet What else would you expect from someone so full of shit?
I said #ElonIsAToilet and now the bowl runneth over.
#poetry #TheSinsofSiliconValley #ElonIsAToilet #BidenWorksForMarkZuckerberg #smurfs
Check out Emmit Other's poem!
#poetry #thesinsofsiliconvalley #elonisatoilet #bidenworksformarkzuckerberg #smurfs
#twitter #ElonIsAToilet #SwampHitler #SwampGoebelsSwallowsCock #TechBros #TheSinsOfSiliconValley #Birdchan
Big Tech has been in the bag since 2020 at the least and ALL KINDS of fucking weird things happen re Desantis comments on youtube, facebook, tiktok and twitter.
#Twitter #elonisatoilet #swamphitler #swampgoebelsswallowscock #techbros #thesinsofsiliconvalley #birdchan
"So let me get this straight father; you spent 44 BILLION DOLLARS , more than the annual gdp of half the UN countries, to buy a former crypto social media site and allowed nazis and people who hate the fact that I want to be who I am....because you love me?"
Final Words heard by Elon Musk right before his failed self Nueralink install that, despite every reason to believe it would succeed and the odds were 1 billion to one against failing still somehow miraculously did for no apparent reason
#elonisatoilet #birdchan #thesinsofsiliconvalley
#SinsOfSiliconValley #ElonIsAToilet
It isnt just the fact that Musk is a fool who cant run any companies and just took over the good work of others in Space X and Tesla...
The Mind Machine interface is the most significant technological shift in our cultural evolution since Agriculture...it fundamentally changes who and what we are.
Do you really want a nazi sympathizer running your brain? A pop up ad while out jogging and you smash face first into a tree? A hacker gets into your brain and makes you spout "Imma Little Tea Pot" in the most important presentation of your career?
But the mind machine interface is also the gateway to digital immortality. Could you imagine Musk running the afterlife like he runs twitter?
The mind machine interface is the ultimate tool of the fascist, surgically installing it in people against their will and making you think what the state wants you to think.
#sinsofsiliconvalley #elonisatoilet
@morgfair #ElonIsAToilet And his overflow is drowning and infecting the rest if society, too bad the government is just throwing up its hands and saying "He is rich and white and its legal whatcha gonna do?"
@annecollier #ElonIsAToilet Wants to create Samaritan from Person of Interest
@leicesterworker #ElonIsAToilet What else from someone who is full of crap?
@FinchHaven #TwittrrIsAToilet #ElonIsAToilet Sometimes folks do urban exploring if sewers
#twittrrisatoilet #elonisatoilet