#ABC #CBS #NBC #FOX #FoxNews #CNN #HLN #MSNBC #CNBC #FoxBusiness and other news networks not listed should all realize how evil #elonmusk is becoming. They should all dissociate themselves from #Twitter and also tell viewers to stop using the platform as well! #ByeByeBirdie #BankruptTwitter #ElmoIsEvil #ElonRuinsTwitter #ElonMuskIsAnSOB
#abc #cbs #nbc #fox #foxnews #cnn #hln #msnbc #cnbc #foxbusiness #elonmusk #twitter #byebyebirdie #bankrupttwitter #elmoisevil #elonruinstwitter #elonmuskisansob
#ABC #CBS #NBC #FOX #FoxNews #CNN #HLN #MSNBC #CNBC #FoxBusiness and other news networks not listed should all realize how evil #elonmusk is becoming. They should all disassociate themselves from #Twitter and also tell viewers to stop using the platform as well! #ByeByeBirdie #BankruptTwitter #ElmoIsEvil #ElonRuinsTwitter #ElonMuskIsAnSOB
#abc #cbs #nbc #fox #foxnews #cnn #hln #msnbc #cnbc #foxbusiness #elonmusk #twitter #byebyebirdie #bankrupttwitter #elmoisevil #elonruinstwitter #elonmuskisansob
@worldnews https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/elon-musk-becomes-first-person-to-lose-200-billion-report/ar-AA15RomM?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=32cd80f6dcb54c63a8da4ac0fcf5e25f
Elon, this is what you get for kicking people off for no reason, alienating users, and only thinking about yourself! You sir are a sad case! #ElonRuinsTwitter #ElonIsASadMan #ElonIsAnEvilMan
#elonruinstwitter #elonisasadman #elonisanevilman
@worldnews https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/elon-musk-becomes-first-person-to-lose-200-billion-report/ar-AA15RomM?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=32cd80f6dcb54c63a8da4ac0fcf5e25f
Elon, this is what you get for kicking people off for no reason, alienating users, and only thinking about yourself! You sir are a sad case! #ElonRuinsTwitter #ElonIsASadMan#ElonIsAnEvilMan
#elonruinstwitter #elonisasadman
What a loser! Musk ruins everything he touches! I wonder if he ruined #Tesla and #SpaceX, too! #ElonRuinsTwitter #ElonSucks https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/elon-musk-becomes-first-person-to-lose-200-billion-report/ar-AA15RomM?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=32cd80f6dcb54c63a8da4ac0fcf5e25f
#tesla #spacex #elonruinstwitter #elonsucks