Flt: SWA294 #SouthwestAirlines #HOU-#ELP
First seen: 2023/08/18 11:36:33
Min Alt: 2157 ft AGL
Min Dist: 9.3 mi
Planefence by kx1t - docker:kx1t/planefence
Keith Emerson, Greg Lake, and Carl Palmer formed Emerson Lake and Palmer in 1970; Emerson and Lake were feeling limited by their current bands (The Nice, and King Crimson, respectively).
Emerson Lake And Palmer, "Fanfare for the Common Man" (live 1977, adapted from Aaron Copland's 1942 "Fanfare for the Common Man")
#GenreOfTheWeek #ProgressiveRock #ProgRock #EmersonLakeAndPalmer #ELP
#genreoftheweek #progressiverock #progrock #emersonlakeandpalmer #elp
It's been awhile since I did Vinyl Friday. Been busy I guess. Anyway, today's pick is one of my oldest records, #ELP #BrainSaladSurgery. One of the most notable prog rock albums, my version has the original HR Giger fold out. Still, one of my favorite prog rock albums.
#brainsaladsurgery #elp #vinylfriday #nowplaying
Annie Barbazza & Max Repetti - 'Moonchild - A Deep Journey Into The Poetry And Music Of Greg Lake' (2018)
Collection of #GregLake's legendary #ELP and #KingCrimson songs, performed by singer #AnnieBarbazza and pianist #MaxRepetti. Gorgeous.
#maxrepetti #anniebarbazza #kingcrimson #elp #greglake #NowPlaying #NP
Run The Jewels sind aus dem amerikanischen Alternative-Rap nicht mehr wegzudenken. Das Debütalbum des Duos wird diese Woche zehn Jahre alt. Warum es fast nicht entstanden wäre und dennoch sein sollte, hört ihr heute im Popfilter.
#DerSongDesTages #ElP #KillerMike #Popfilter #RunTheJewels #PopfilterDerSongDesTages
#dersongdestages #elp #killermike #popfilter #runthejewels #popfilterdersongdestages
@connect_icut @vinylrecords I don’t use streaming so much so yes. My records are a bit haphazard as #LastFM hasn’t always been running but…
1. #Front242
2. #Download
3. #PublicEnemy
4. #Coil
5. #MeatBeatManifesto
6. #FrontLineAssembly
7. #Dälek
8. #SkinnyPuppy
9. #JeanMichelJarre
10. #PhilWestern
11. #AmonTobin
12. #ElP
13. #Plateau
14. #TheTearGarden
15. #cevinKey
16. #Aavikko
17. #Kone
18. #DJShadow
19. #Snog
20. #Ohgr
#lastfm #Front242 #Download #publicenemy #Coil #meatbeatmanifesto #frontlineassembly #dalek #skinnypuppy #jeanmicheljarre #philwestern #amontobin #elp #plateau #theteargarden #cevinkey #aavikko #kone #djshadow #snog #ohgr
è il secondo giorno che gira come non mai, allora mi chiedo quale scherzo il karma ha in riserbo per me, metto l'ancora e ascolto qualcosa
#nonpertutti #mastoradio #elp
10:16u Opschaling in Elp (Middel brand)
Locatie: Zwiggelterweg, Elp
Soort brand: bijgebouw
VR: Drenthe
#P2000 #elp
Happy 52nd birthday to TARKUS, the amazing second album by Emerson Lake & Palmer, released June 14, 1971.
#Tarkus #ELP #EmersonLakePalmer #KeithEmerson #GregLake #CarlPalmer
#carlpalmer #greglake #keithemerson #emersonlakepalmer #elp #tarkus
Quello che vedete è un breve estratto da #Elp di Antonio #Manzini, attualmente in libreria, nuovo episodio della saga con protagonista #RoccoSchiavone.
Lo trovo involontariamente perfetto anche per descrivere tanto, ma proprio tanto, di quello che si sta dicendo in questi due giorni su Silvio #Berlusconi.
#elp #Manzini #roccoschiavone #berlusconi
Ho un rapporto di amore-odio con gli #ELP, ma diciamo che prevale l'amore 😉
#Tarkus è il loro album che preferisco, e questa #BitchesCrystal penso sia dove #GregLake sfrutta al meglio il suo timbro di voce e modo di cantare, un brano #prog a dir poco esplosivo. #Hammond, #synth e drumming sono sublimi.
Mancano solo i fuochi d'artificio.
(in realtà dal vivo quando li guardai in concerto, ad un certo punto #KeithEmerson li sparò davvero da una tastiera!)
#elp #tarkus #bitchescrystal #greglake #prog #hammond #synth #keithemerson #mastoradio
Let's see, high school for me was early 90's...
Metallica (#Metallica)
Emerson, Lake, and Palmer (#elp #EmersonLakePalmer)
Amy Grant (it's a pastor's kid thing, don't ask) (#AmyGrant)
And then whatever was being played on the #radio then. You know, back when they actually played decent music. ;-)
#meme #music #metallica #elp #emersonlakepalmer #amygrant #radio
Asia - 'Fantasia - Live In Tokyo' (2cd) (2007)
The original #Asia line up back together, performing their classic first album, plus songs from the second album and gems from #Yes, #ELP, #KingCrimson and #Buggles. Very entertaining concert.
#Buggles #kingcrimson #elp #yes #Asia #NowPlaying #NP
#RSD #RSD2023 #RecordStoreDay #RecordStoreDay2023 #EmersonLakePalmer #EmersonLakeAndPalmer #ELP
#elp #EmersonLakeAndPalmer #emersonlakepalmer #recordstoreday2023 #recordstoreday #rsd2023 #RSD
Carl Palmer to Tour as ELP With Late Bandmates' Backing Tracks #2023_04_18 #loudwire #joe_divita #concerts #news #rock #carl_palmer #elp #emerson_lake_and_palmer
#2023_04_18 #loudwire #joe_divita #concerts #news #rock #carl_palmer #elp #emerson_lake_and_palmer