🔴 Today on #SystemCrafters Live, we'll try out the Elpaca package manager for Emacs! This project offers some nice features including asynchronous installs and an improved package management UI.
Let's experiment with it to see if it deserves a home in your configuration!
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#systemcrafters #gnu #emacs #elpaca #freesoftware
In #Emacs 29 package.el has a command package-vc-install which installs directly from source by cloning from
a repository.
If you're using an older version of Emacs and like straight.el, you might want to check out #Elpaca as well. It does the same, and also has a nice package listing interface which straight lacks.
After one week of my switch from straight to elpaca, I can say without a shadow of a doubt that it's one of the best package manager that I've ever used (for emacs ofc).
Before it, I tried: quelpa, straight, package-vc