@grumpybozo Quick #copypasta of a few lines from #elReg then asked #windows-#sysadmin coworker if he had anything unsaved on his desktop, he said no, so #BLUESCREENOFDEATH, then I asked how about the laptop and it was ok too, so *bloop* likewise. Then he demanded I give him a copy of this nifty new #pingofdeath trick. Good times!
#copypasta #elreg #windows #sysadmin #bluescreenofdeath #pingofdeath
We (#ukpolitics, #brexit, #NIProtocol, #SingleMarket) are getting so hung up on "rules being applied differently in Northern Ireland" (compared to the "rest of the UK") but don't appear to have much to say about the #OnlineSafetyBill in this regard.
This #BinFire of a bill, with every good intention at heart (#ThinkOfTheChildren!) has some collosally unworkable elements to it which I'm not going to comment on here.
The #ElReg article (https://www.theregister.com/2023/02/25/signal_uk_online_safety_bill/) closes with this blinder:
"At least Northern Ireland and Scotland will be spared. The Home Office legislative proposals, if adopted, will apply only to England and Wales"
#ukpolitics #brexit #NIprotocol #singlemarket #onlinesafetybill #binfire #thinkofthechildren #elreg
#ElReg on #Google firing #OpenSource experts: „Google lives and dies on open source software. […] This was no time for Google to let its best and brightest open source personnel go.“ https://www.theregister.com/2023/01/27/google_open_source/
One of the best BOFH I’ve read for the longest time and I started reading it back in the late 80s ( iirc ) in a hard copy whilst doing sysops for DEC Vax and PDP 11 #oldGuys #BOFH #ElReg