A man proudly shows his tattoo of president #Bukele in his arm during an (illegal) #political rally.
Bukele's fanatics have grown violent, aggressive, nationalistic and irrational. They promote attacks on dissidents and #libel to get them incarcerated.
This is a dangerous mental #disease.
#bukele #political #libel #disease #elsalvador
El Salvador's Education Ministry Introduces Bitcoin Learning in Schools - Two years after bitcoin (BTC) was established as legal tender in El Salvador, the Ministr... - https://cryptonews.com/news/el-salvadors-education-ministry-introduces-bitcoin-learning-schools.htm #blockchainnews #elsalvador #education #adoption #bitcoin
#bitcoin #adoption #education #elsalvador #blockchainnews
Latam Insights: El Salvador Launches Pilot to Introduce Bitcoin Content in Schools, Bitso Teams up With Despegar in Argentina - Welcome to Latam Insights, a compendium of Latin America’s most relevant crypto an... - https://news.bitcoin.com/latam-insights-el-salvador-launches-pilot-to-introduce-bitcoin-content-in-schools-bitso-teams-up-with-despegar-in-argentina/ #miprimerbitcoin #bitcoincourses #lataminsights #miguelpesce #diegolabat #elsalvador #argentina #despegar #uruguay #bitso
#bitso #uruguay #despegar #argentina #elsalvador #diegolabat #miguelpesce #lataminsights #bitcoincourses #miprimerbitcoin
#ElSalvador "tried" the #Bitcoin journey:
'On the streets of San Salvador, the verdict is harsh. "I don't see that money working, it's just propaganda. Where's the benefit? There's no benefit. It's a bad investment," newspaper vendor Juan Antonio Salgado, 65, told AFP. "It's robbery," he added, in reference to the currency's volatility.'
Enjoying delicious #food from #elsalvador (in #florida) 😋
#food #elsalvador #florida #fun #friends #photography
Its robbery: Salvadorans slow to adopt
> Two years ago, #ElSalvador shrugged off a chorus of warnings and adopted Bitcoin as legal tender in a bid to revitalize its economy and improve access to financial services.
> It has not worked.
> #Bitcoin has lost more than half its value since then and though President Nayib Bukele is wildly popular for his clampdown on criminal gangs, his currency gamble has not gone down equally well.
https://www.anews.com.tr/economy/2023/09/07/its-robbery-salvadorans-slow-to-adopt-bitcoin #crypto
El Salvador Launches Pilot Project to Include Bitcoin Content in School Curriculums - The Ministry of Education in El Salvador partnered with Mi Primer Bitcoin (MPB), a... - https://news.bitcoin.com/el-salvador-launches-pilot-project-to-include-bitcoin-content-in-school-curriculums/ #salvadoranministryofeducation #publicschoolsystem #miprimerbitcoin #bitcoinbeach #johndennehy #curriculum #elsalvador #uruguay #news #cuba
#cuba #news #uruguay #elsalvador #curriculum #johndennehy #bitcoinbeach #miprimerbitcoin #publicschoolsystem #salvadoranministryofeducation
Les volcans Izalco et Cerro Verde. Izalco a l'allure du volcan tel qu'on se l'imagine alors que le Cerro Verde est recouvert d'une végétation dense. La chaîne volcanique du El Salvador est une belle surprise :blobPikaUvU:
#ElSalvador #CerroVerde #Izalco #Volcano #EarthisBeautiful #Travel #Nature
#elsalvador #cerroverde #izalco #volcano #earthisbeautiful #travel #nature
#Google is not investing in #ElSalvador. Google is selling digital services to the government. Half a billion US dollars to digitalize the operations of an authoritarian government without any oversight.
An authoritarian government, with all citizen data and the power of AI. What can go wrong?
Über 60.000 Menschen sind in #ElSalvador ohne rechtsstaatlichen Strafprozess in Haft. Fordere Präsident Bukele auf, den Ausnahmezustand im Land aufzuheben! 📲📧
#Bitcoin in #ElSalvador has been a complete and utter failure. Pushed by the authoritarian government, it poured millions and millions of dollars in taxpayers money without any transparency and oversight. There are indications, however, that it has been used to smuggle money out of the country without the supervisions of the financial system. Guess who may be most interested in moving money in secret?
#Google is offering services to the authoritarian government of #ElSalvador to digitalize all of it's operations and load government data in the cloud. The details of the deal have been declared as government state secrets and are not reveled to the public. Why?
#Google should be aware on how it aids corruption, human rights violations and the demise of democracy in Latin America.
The authoritarian government of #ElSalvador is not only violating human rights on a massive scale, it is also destroying highly vulnerable, protected nature areas.
A coastal #ecosystem will be completely destroyed to build a beach resort and apartment buildings. It is home to 22 species of mammals, 16 reptiles, 85 birds and 151 rare plants.
The project was approved by the government with no technical or #scientific oversight. The owner is family of a politician.
#elsalvador #ecosystem #scientific
Just another day to watch my country of birth, #ElSalvador, go down the drain thanks to a megalomaniac autocrat. The international community and the so called democratic states like the #USA and the #EU seem to have no problem with it.
Otárola promises clampdown on citizen insecurity #Peru
Nayib Bukele, authoritarian president of #ElSalvador, casts a long shadow over the rest of Latin America, and many a politician appears keen to emulate the sort of draconian measures that he has introduced to great political acclaim in his own country. President Dina #Boluarte appears to sense the political opportunity in rallying Peruvian public opinion around new measures to beef up Peru’s security forces.
He quitado la bandera de #ElSalvador de mi perfil en #mastodon y #twitter.
#elsalvador #mastodon #twitter
#Sondaggi #ElSalvador #Presidenziali
Sondaggio di CEC-UFG:
Nayib #Bukele (#NI|Bukelisti): 68%
Joel #Sánchez (#ARENA|Destra): 4%
Manuel #Flores (#FMLN|Sinistra): 3%
Luis #Parada (#NT|Centro-sinistra): 2%
Javier #Renderos (#FS|Destra): 1,5%
Non so: 12%
Nessuno: 9%
Data rilevazione: 15-21 agosto
Intervistati: 1920
#sondaggi #elsalvador #presidenziali #bukele #ni #sanchez #arena #Flores #fmln #parada #nt #renderos #fs
All these recent coup d'état in #african countries happen with the praise and support of the people. With #ElSalvador I learned that it's impossible to help a society that so eagerly applauds their own demise. They shout "no intervention". Fine. Let's not intervene, but when all the consequences explode in their face, persecution begins and poverty exacerbates, don't run for safety to all those countries that you asked to stay out.
ImagÃnen la masa de estúpidos que ya no pueden pagar la libra de frijol (ahora a $1.60) pero que al mismo tiempo chulean y le aplauden al que les restriega sin pudor los lujos qué disfruta con sus impuestos.
Hay pueblos que se merecen su miseria.
Los recientes golpes de estado en Africa ocurren entre aplausos y el apoyo de la gente. Con #ElSalvador aprendà que no se puede ayudar a una sociedad que aplaude su propia destrucción. Asà que bien, no hay que intervenir, pero luego, cuando todo les explote en la cara, no vayan a salir huyendo y emigrando hacia las sociedades que se los advirtieron.