#DEAL Konsortium und #Elsevier verkünden deutschlandweite Open-Access-Vereinbarung
Endlich ein Deal: Elsevier schließt mit DEAL Vertrag ab https://bibliotheksbubble.de/2023/09/06/endlich-ein-deal-elsevier-schliesst-mit-deal-vertrag-ab/ Man mage es ja fast nicht glauben, aber endlich ist es soweit. Elsevier hat Ja zum DEAL-Konsortium gesagt und heute offizi… #DEAL #Deutschland #Elsevier #OA-Transformation #OpenAccess #Verlage
#deal #deutschland #elsevier #oa #openaccess #verlage
Nachdem in den vergangenen Jahren die Verhandlungen zwischen #DEAL und #Elsevier immer wieder gescheitert sind, wurde nun eine gemeinsame #OpenAccess-Vereinbarung unterschrieben! Der Vertrag soll bis Ende 2028 laufen.
#deal #elsevier #openaccess #OpenAccessTransformation
Ich wäre von lauterer Dankbarkeit erfüllt, nähme sich @RenkeSiems oder @brembs oder ein/e andere/r Trackingexpert*in mal 7.6 #Data_Protection des #DEAL-Vertrags mit #Elsevier vor.
#data_protection #deal #elsevier
Ich bin überrascht von diesem #DEAL-Vertrag mit #Elsevier. Wenn ich das richtig sehe, wird außer der PAR-Fee keine Grundgebühr wie bei den anderen DEAL-Verträgen erhoben (Subs.volumen aus Jahr X + x%).
Der Vertrag kommt nur zustande, wenn (vereinfacht ausgedrückt) 70% der Institutionen, von denen Artikel aus Elsevier-Titeln kommen und 90% derer mit Cell-Press-Titeln teilnehmen. Heißt: Wenn die größten 30 der 900 Institutionen nicht teilnehmen, wird's schwer, diesen Grad zu erreichen.
Surprise Surprise: After very long* negotiations with #Elsevier the #DEAL agreement has been finally concluded. Now around 900 institutions in Germany should be able to publish #openaccess papers in Elsevier.
*The publishing landscape has fundamentally transformed over time, making some previously established Elsevier journals obsolete.
The question is, will German academics go back to submitting their research to Elsevier journals?
#academicchatter #academia #openaccess #deal #elsevier
Wichtige Nachrichten. #OpenAccess #ProjektDeal #Elsevier
#openaccess #projektdeal #elsevier
"DEAL Konsortium und Elsevier verkünden deutschlandweite Open-Access-Vereinbarung" https://deal-konsortium.de/aktuelles/elsevier #DEAL #Elsevier #OpenAccess #Transformation
#deal #elsevier #openaccess #transformation
Wie kaputt das wissenschaftliche Publikationswesen ist, merkt mann, wenn nach jahrelangen Konsortialverhandlungen so etwas rauskommt: "Für Veröffentlichungen in hybriden Zeitschriften der Marken Cell Press und The Lancet gilt eine APC von 6.450 € netto. Sie unterliegt ab 2025 einer jährlichen Preissteigerung von 4%." #DEAL #Elsevier cc @brembs
Nun ist der #DEAL-Vertrag mit #Elsevier abgeschlossen.
Lesender Zugriff auf alles.
Publikation überall.
PAR-Fee 2.550 € bzw. 6.450 € in Cell Press und Lancet.
Fully Gold abzgl. 20%.
Ganz grob.
Immerhin keine Verpflichtung PURE zu implementieren wie in anderen Ländern.
I missed this #Elsevier pilot project with #OpenPeerReview in 2019.
"Publishing [#PeerReview] reports did not significantly compromise referees’ willingness to review, recommendations, or turn-around times. Younger and non-academic scholars were more willing to…review & provided more positive & objective recommendations. Male referees tended to write more constructive reports…Only 8.1% of referees agreed to reveal their identity in the published report."
#PeerReview #OpenPeerReview #elsevier
This will only get worse! It looks like the authors may not have disclosed their use of #ChatGPT. Thanks to @dltj for the OP.
#AIEthics #GenerativeAI #ScientificPublishing #Elsevier https://code4lib.social/@dltj/110925636777063149
#elsevier #scientificpublishing #GenerativeAI #aiethics #chatgpt
What if the fediverse is not just how #scientists leave #Twitter but how we leave #Elsevier? I could imagine someone building peer review tools into #mastodon, adding #LaTeX support, building infrastructure for long term backups, citations. Those predatory for-profit publishers cost the scientific community more than enough money to pay for developing the tools which would replace them. I think what would be key is getting buy in for the idea from the major organizations like AAAS, IEEE, APS(American Physical Society) etc. I think that a form of peer reviewed microblogging on a platform like this might be the future of science communication, both inside the community and for communication with society at large.
#scientists #twitter #elsevier #mastodon #latex
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (#CFPB) "plans…aggressive oversight of…#data brokers that compile and sell data on millions of Americans."
"In February, a coalition of consumer advocate groups… ask[ed] the agency to use existing federal laws to 'rein in widespread harmful behavior' by the industry, citing companies like #RELX…& #ThomsonReuters…as 'occupying the top of the personal-data food chain' and in need of stricter oversight."
#surveillance #elsevier #ThomsonReuters #relx #data #CFPB
I am all into #metadata but hesitating to dive into #classification yet. Still have to decide on the most useful one besides required #DDC. Whish I had #SDG #Mapping like #pure. I am all for #OSS but #Elsevier did a pretty good job here https://www.elsevier.com/about/partnerships/sdg-research-mapping-initiative
#metadata #classification #DDC #sdg #mapping #pure #oss #elsevier
A journal owned by #Elsevier doesn't like preprints? Quell Shock.
Anecdote on this #Elsevier piece from @openwarfare : Dutch amily member bought shares in Shell and Elsevier (now #RELX) at roughly the same time many years ago.
The shares made a 43% return on Shell, a company dedicated to extracting oil and gas, and 137% on academic publisher Elsevier. 😱🫣😶🌫️
*THAT* is how valuable our academic labour (and presumably taxpayer money paying universities and research councils etc) is...
Author of “Four Ways to Beat the Market” Algy Hall on the #FinancialTimes’ 💰 Money Clinic 💰 podcast explaining why shares in #Elsevier are such a hot tip right now - and unintentionally giving away the whole scam… 🤦🏻♂️ #openaccess #scholcomm #openscience
#financialtimes #elsevier #openaccess #scholcomm #openscience
Gizmodo: Salute the Black Flag: Sci-Hub Pirate Captain Receives EFF Award for Sticking It to the Man https://gizmodo.com/sci-hub-pirate-elbakyan-receives-eff-award-1850686878 #electronicfrontierfoundation #americanchemicalsociety #usdepartmentofjustice #academicpublishing #alexandraelbakyan #transhumanists #shadowlibrary #williamgibson #francisdrake #jonjohnssen #openaccess #cindycohn #elsevier #elbakyan #scihub
#electronicfrontierfoundation #americanchemicalsociety #usdepartmentofjustice #academicpublishing #alexandraelbakyan #transhumanists #shadowlibrary #williamgibson #francisdrake #jonjohnssen #openaccess #cindycohn #elsevier #elbakyan #scihub