Well these goodies arrived today just in time for weekend listening (with thanks to @dnanian ) #lloydcole #elvinjones #nowspinning #NowPlaying #NowListening #Vinyl #VinylRecords #vinylcollection @vinylrecords
#lloydcole #elvinjones #nowspinning #nowplaying #nowlistening #vinyl #vinylrecords #vinylcollection
"The Night Has a Thousand Eyes"
by Jerry Brainin, with lyrics by Buddy Bernier (not in the linked version though) #JohnColtrane #Coltrane #McCoyTyner #ElvinJones
"I Saw the Light" Hank Williams
#Hank #HankWilliams https://youtu.be/pyiGHFGCf2U
"A Sight for Sore Eyes" #TomWaits
"Sweet Blindness" #The5thDimension
Schubert: Augenlied, D. 297
#Schubert #FranzSchubert
#thursdayfivelist #theeyes #johncoltrane #coltrane #mccoytyner #elvinjones #hank #hankwilliams #tomwaits #the5thdimension #schubert #franzschubert
#NowPlaying Elvin Jones - Genesis (Blue Note, US 1971/1977 reissue).
Great album with saxophonists Dave Liebman, Frank Foster and Joe Farrell + Gene Perla on bass.
#nowplaying #elvinjones #bluenoterecords
Friday listening
#FreddieHubbard #WayneShorter #LeonardMcKinney #McCoyTyner #ArtDavis #ElvinJones #Jazz
#freddiehubbard #WayneShorter #leonardmckinney #mccoytyner #artdavis #elvinjones #jazz
Minor Key . Net Playlist 6/3/23
#JohnColtrane #EricDolphy #ElvinJones #McCoyTyner #ReggieWorkman #HåkonThelin #DanStyffe #KennethRyland #GlennLewisGordon #PatriciaKopatchinskaja #PolinaLeschenko #ChiaroscuroQuartet #JuliaFischer #KirillTroussov #ÅsmundFeidje #Feidje #DoubleBass #Quartet #StringQuartet #FrancisPoulenc #Poulenc #Haydn #Prokofiev #NowPlaying #newmusic #playlist #playlists #jazz #jazzmusic #classicalmusic #NPR #chambermusic #violin #violinist #Sonata
#johncoltrane #ericdolphy #elvinjones #mccoytyner #reggieworkman #hakonthelin #danstyffe #kennethryland #glennlewisgordon #patriciakopatchinskaja #polinaleschenko #chiaroscuroquartet #juliafischer #kirilltroussov #asmundfeidje #feidje #doublebass #quartet #stringquartet #francispoulenc #poulenc #haydn #prokofiev #nowplaying #newmusic #playlist #playlists #jazz #jazzmusic #classicalmusic #npr #chambermusic #violin #violinist #sonata
🔊 #NowPlaying on #BBC6Music
Elvin Jones:
🎵 Raunchy Rita
#nowplaying #bbc6music #elvinjones
Varied #playlist today. From #DukeEllington to #Ramones to #RaphaelaGromes to #BobbyBland to #SeanShibe to #ReverendHortonHeat to #ElvinJones & more. I enjoy these quietly commingled playlists.
#nowplaying #playlists #mastomusic #Bartok #Berg #Handel #MaxRoach #CharlesMingus #JohnColtrane
#playlist #dukeellington #ramones #raphaelagromes #bobbybland #seanshibe #reverendhortonheat #elvinjones #nowplaying #playlists #mastomusic #bartok #berg #handel #maxroach #charlesmingus #johncoltrane
1972 - Newport Jazz Festival - Belgrade : The Giants of Jazz with #DizzyGillespie, #ElvinJones Quartet, #JimmySmith and Friends, #CannonballAdderley 5tet, #DaveBrubeck Trio with #GerryMulligan & #PaulDesmond, #CharlesMingus 5tet
#dizzygillespie #elvinjones #jimmysmith #cannonballadderley #davebrubeck #gerrymulligan #pauldesmond #charlesmingus #jazz
EN "Speak no Evil" by Wayne Shorter, recorded in 1964 is an exquisite album that over years has become a genuine classic of jazz music.
It is epitome of both excellence and elegance in jazz.
PL Album Wayne'a Shortera, „Speak No Evil” nagrany w 1964 dla wytwórni Blue Note to znakomity album, który przez lata stał się prawdziwym klasykiem muzyki jazzowej.
Jest przykładem doskonałości, i elegancji w jazzie.
#NowListening #terazsłuchane #terazsłucham
#WayneShorter #HerbieHancock #FreddieHubbard #RonCarter #ElvinJones
#nowlistening #terazsluchane #terazslucham #wayneshorter #herbiehancock #freddiehubbard #RonCarter #elvinjones #jazz #jazzmusic #muzykaklasyczna #classicalmusic
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio3's #SundayMorning
Wayne Shorter, Freddie Hubbard, Herbie Hancock, Ron Carter & Elvin Jones:
🎵 Infant Eyes
#WayneShorter #FreddieHubbard #HerbieHancock #RonCarter #ElvinJones
#nowplaying #sundaymorning #WayneShorter #freddiehubbard #herbiehancock #roncarter #elvinjones
Jazz Magazine N°162 (France) - Elvin Jones - Janvier 1969
1965 - John Coltrane, McCoy Tyner, Jimmy Garrison, Elvin Jones - Comblain-La-Tour (Belgique / Belgium)
#jazz #LaBoiteàGif #gif #JohnColtrane #McCoyTyner #JimmyGarrison #ElvinJones
#jazz #laboiteagif #gif #johncoltrane #mccoytyner #jimmygarrison #elvinjones
Minor Key . Net Playlist 1/20/23
#EricLu #IronAndWine #PaulSimon #ElvinJones #RichardDavis #TomWaits #MeatPuppets #TheloniousMonk
#AppleMusic: https://music.apple.com/us/playlist/minor-key-net-playlist-1-20-23/pl.u-KVXBDo6TL0bkqdD
#Qobuz: https://open.qobuz.com/playlist/13155548
#Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6hDLIkW8EmIPIbbNk3lbkl?si=944954261470493e
#playlist #nowlistening #jazzmusic #jazz #nowplaying #ClassicalMusic #indie #indiemusic #folkrock #folkmusic
#ericlu #ironandwine #paulsimon #elvinjones #richarddavis #tomwaits #meatpuppets #theloniousmonk #playlists #applemusic #qobuz #spotify #playlist #nowlistening #jazzmusic #jazz #nowplaying #classicalmusic #indie #indiemusic #folkrock #folkmusic
50 years ago tonight, #MilesDavis plays his first gig of 1973 at the Village East in NYC (formerly the Fillmore East). 28 minutes of concert footage by Japanese filmmaker Teppei Inokuchi (included below) reveals a mustached, shockingly gaunt Miles roaming the stage like a specter as the 9-piece band roils beneath.
The gig also marked the debut of saxophonist #DaveLiebman, who played the #VillageVanguard with #ElvinJones hours before joining Miles on stage. https://theheatwarps.com/2021/06/08/january-1973-village-east/
#milesdavis #daveliebman #villagevanguard #elvinjones
#happynewyear #jazz #JohnColtrane #McCoyTyner #ElvinJones #music #spirit #transformation #ascension #joy #pain #wonder #anthropocene #2023 #dreams💓
#happynewyear #jazz #johncoltrane #mccoytyner #elvinjones #music #spirit #transformation #ascension #joy #pain #wonder #anthropocene #dreams
Music!!! My husband, who takes part in the NPR Jazz Critics Poll, has posted his top picks of #2022 - a lot of new exciting improvised music and it was also an exceptionally good year for archival releases (which frankly appeal to me more than the new stuff; yeah I'm an old fogey)
Check it out at
#jazz #RecordReview
#NPRMusicJazzCriticsPoll #ImprovisedMusic #Mingus #FreddieHubbard #MalWaldron #AhmadJamal #ElvinJones #JoeHenderson #AlbertAyler
#jazz #recordreview #nprmusicjazzcriticspoll #improvisedmusic #mingus #freddiehubbard #malwaldron #ahmadjamal #elvinjones #joehenderson #albertayler
Freddie Hubbard
Ready for Freddie (Blue Note, 1962)
The young boppers elevate the game. #FreddieHubbard #BernardMcKinney #WayneShorter #McCoyTyner #ArtDavis #ElvinJones #BlueNote #vinyl #nowspinning
#SundayJazzBrunch #freddiehubbard #bernardmckinney #mccoytyner #artdavis #elvinjones #bluenote #vinyl #NowSpinning #WayneShorter
The style of the music has little to do with it. It's only honesty that makes it beautiful