Happy 40th anniversary to Elvis Costello and the Attractions album, ‘Punch The Clock’. Released this week in 1983. #elviscostello #elviscostelloandtheattractions #punchtheclock #everydayiwritethebook #letthemalltalk #shipbuilding
#ElvisCostello #elviscostelloandtheattractions #punchtheclock #everydayiwritethebook #letthemalltalk #SHIPBUILDING
Happy 40th to a solid entry in the long history of Costello albums. Not one I put on all the time compared to others of his albums but only because there's just so much to choose from. And look at that smulder on the cover.
#onthisday #music #elviscostello #theattractions #elviscostelloandtheattractions #punchtheclock
#onthisday #music #elviscostello #theattractions #elviscostelloandtheattractions #punchtheclock
Happy 40th anniversary to Elvis Costello and the Attractions single, “Everyday I Write The Book”. Released this week in 1983. #elviscostelloandtheattractions #elviscostello #theattractions #everydayiwritethebook #punchtheclock
#elviscostelloandtheattractions #ElvisCostello #theattractions #everydayiwritethebook #punchtheclock
Happy anniversary to Elvis Costello and the Attractions album, 'Imperial Bedroom’. Released this week in 1982. #elviscostelloandtheattractions #elviscostello #theattractions #imperialbedroom #youlittlefool #manoutoftime
#elviscostelloandtheattractions #ElvisCostello #theattractions #imperialbedroom #youlittlefool #manoutoftime
Heard some music coming from upstairs… Evidently my wife found her old copy of “Get Happy” by Elvis Costello and The Attractions. I seriously think it’s been decades since I last saw her fire up our turntable. Consider my heart warmed. #ElvisCostelloAndTheAttractions #vinyl
#elviscostelloandtheattractions #vinyl
That was a fun #newYearsEve #bass practice session. A little bit of change of pace. #JamesBrown #IGotYouIFeelGood , #ArethaFranklin #Think ... and worked some more on the #ElvisCostelloAndTheAttractions songs also.
#NewYearsEve #bass #jamesbrown #igotyouifeelgood #arethafranklin #think #elviscostelloandtheattractions #bassguitar
I definitely need to write out my own tab for Elvis Costello's This Year's Girl. The one I'm using misses a lot of the nuances.
#ElvisCostelloAndTheAttractions #bassTabs #bassist #bassGuitar
#elviscostelloandtheattractions #basstabs #bassist #bassguitar
A fun session of playing some bass lines. #ElvisCostelloAndTheAttractions #ThisYearsGirl #AmyWinehouse #YouKnowImNoGood #TootsAndTheMaytals #5446ThatsMyNumber #BassGuitar #Bass #Bassist
#elviscostelloandtheattractions #thisyearsgirl #amywinehouse #youknowimnogood #tootsandthemaytals #5446thatsmynumber #bassguitar #bass #bassist