Meanwhile, #BackInTheUSColony, a serious issue of elderly just abandoned in hospitals. While the government has put some funds in place to provide some relief, it is not enough. And the numbers keep growing. Via #ElVoceroPR (Spanish language)
>Requieren más fondos para paliar crisis de adultos mayores abandonados en los hospitales
#puertorico #BadEconomy #elvoceropr #BackInTheUSColony
Meanwhile, #BackInTheUSColony, recent study reveals Puerto Ricans on the island spend more than they earn (i.e. salaries not keeping up, inflation, etc.). Biggest expenses are housing, car, and food.
(Spanish language news)
>Gasto promedio de los puertorriqueños supera el ingreso via #ElVoceroPR
#elvoceropr #puertorico #BadEconomy #BackInTheUSColony
It was so fucking egregious even the news back in PR picked up the Louisville KY #McDonalds story of child exploitation.
Multan a franquicias de McDonald's por explotación infantil en Kentucky via #ElVoceroPR
Meanwhile, in the #BadEconomy #BackInTheUSColony. Things looking uncertain in economic terms.
>Incierto el futuro económico de Puerto Rico via #ElVoceroPR
#puertorico #elvoceropr #BackInTheUSColony #BadEconomy