

Offline streamer but I got an open tab with two visible Twitch tags of which one I'm interested in, when she indeed was live:

Did not recognize my own neurotype here, and so far this has always been the case, except that one streamer at one point in time.

Neurodivergent streamers 2/5

#elwyyra #neurodivergent

Last updated 1 year ago

: I do not own a Twitch Account.

So, today April 7, 2023 on and I found the following streamers with the tag but this post is already by 1-2 hours maybe...

I've chosen the streams with some extra /#criterion like
* (criterion: a streamer must not turn off archive and it must also show current stream in the video archive)

at the time of picking each streamer. The numbers are amount of viewers.

Top 3 streamers according to my criteria :
* 133
* 121
* 120

3 'random' :
* 1
* 6
* 2

#disclaimer #twitch #neurodivergent #outdated #criteria #transparentarchives #facecam #viewershightolow #andymacster #alinkbetweenworlds #elwyyra #residentevilcodeveronica #charmelian #thesims4 #lowerviewcountstreamers #lesbiantoebeans #residentevil4 #missmajick #greenhell #hybrid10prime #apexlegends

Last updated 1 year ago