Offline streamer but I got an open tab with two visible Twitch tags of which one I'm interested in, when she indeed was live: #neurodivergent
Did not recognize my own neurotype here, and so far this has always been the case, except that one streamer at one point in time.
Neurodivergent streamers 2/5
#Disclaimer: I do not own a Twitch Account.
So, today April 7, 2023 on #Twitch and I found the following streamers with the #Neurodivergent tag but this post is already #Outdated by 1-2 hours maybe...
I've chosen the streams with some extra #criteria/#criterion like
* #TransparentArchives (criterion: a streamer must not turn off archive and it must also show current stream in the video archive)
* #Facecam
at the time of picking each streamer. The numbers are amount of viewers.
Top 3 streamers according to my criteria #ViewersHighToLow:
* #AndyMacster 133 #ALinkBetweenWorlds
* #Elwyyra 121 #ResidentEvilCodeVeronica
* #Charmelian 120 #TheSims4
3 'random' #LowerViewCountStreamers:
* #lesbiantoebeans 1 #ResidentEvil4
* #missmajick 6 #GreenHell
* #hybrid10prime 2 #ApexLegends
#disclaimer #twitch #neurodivergent #outdated #criteria #transparentarchives #facecam #viewershightolow #andymacster #alinkbetweenworlds #elwyyra #residentevilcodeveronica #charmelian #thesims4 #lowerviewcountstreamers #lesbiantoebeans #residentevil4 #missmajick #greenhell #hybrid10prime #apexlegends