Old, 2001 #Farscape #sketches. #Scorpius was always it in my case, the part where the series became must see.
Is that a #collage if "Recycled Scorpius" is made of newspaper + junk mail clippings?
First pic was before Sikozu, otherwise the red alien would presumably be her now. ALTs have the info as usual.
Have to see where my Braca sketches are for later.
#farscape #sketches #scorpius #collage #aerynsun #fanart #waynepygram #elysiadoessketchythings
A #MichaelSheen flavoured sketch from last year for #ArtAdventCalendar Day 13, St Lucia's day. Mixing everything together today with Italo-Welsh-Nordic vibes.
I believe in the old calendar today was the solstice, light being needed. 🕯️
Also check the translation for Norwegian Wiki's #LussiNatt if further curious on myths about the day.
CW: Eye contact? No allusion to Lucia's eyes.
#NadoligLlawen #StLucia #SanktaLucia #ElysiaDoesSketchyThings
#michaelsheen #artadventcalendar #lussinatt #nadoligllawen #stlucia #sanktalucia #elysiadoessketchythings
Lol. There's #PterosaurPTuesday, too? Good thing that I postponed my dinosaur version of #ElysiaDoesSketchyThings posting from last week then.
Here are some pouches a place I was at made for a tropical garden style place with a Pterosaur skeleton. I drew the things on those.
#pterosaurptuesday #elysiadoessketchythings #dinosaurs #pterosaur
#ElysiaDoesSketchyThings the #Transformers edition.
Don't have much on such sides, the fandom being full of great art that makes you look cringy in comparison.
#OptimusPrime to test crayons + a 2007 Blackout from when not many references were out either.
#elysiadoessketchythings #transformers #optimusprime
E: *tries to help within limited means*
*uses up more bandwidth instead* 👍
Let the #ElysiaDoesSketchyThings artsing begin.
Thank you to @trixter for keeping the place running. I made a quick #sketch of her kitty from https://retro.pizza/@trixter/109366423662996100 as a token of appreciation for lack of a better thing on my part.
#elysiadoessketchythings #sketch