Took a walk in the afternoon, which was probably unwise given the heat index. Brought along the #Olympus #EM5 Mk1 and the 14-150mm zoom. The hawk and the buzzard were on the other side of the pond at the back gate, so 150mm (300mm effective focal length), is a little short. I walked around the pond to get closer to the hawk, but it wasn’t having it. The osprey is a crop and it was in a tree next to the sidewalk, so 150mm was more useful, but I could have done a better job framing.
Nephew’s in town staying with us. He’s a photographer, roadie, etc. with a band called Mom Jeans and they’re going on tour tomorrow. He came down a couple days early. Had to take him back to the #Nocatee Preserve. Heat index was over 100°, and the flies were biting, so we didn’t stay long. He sleeps late so we didn’t get down there until late in the morning. Brought along the old Oly E-M5 with the 14-150 mounted. #Photography #Olympus #EM5 #Florida #wetlands
#nocatee #photography #olympus #em5 #florida #wetlands
That thing where you go back to your "fancy" camera after using point and shoot/phone for a while and are wondering, "why isn't this autofocusing". It takes an actual google before you think to check the "AF Clutch" on the lens.
#photography #mirrorless #em5 #olympusem5