Pouca gente sabe, mas os primeiros números da #Linux Magazine Brasil foram diagramados em um #eMac (um irmão do iMac para o mercado educacional) como este, com um #PowerPC G4 rodando a 700 MHz.
Originalmente usávamos o QuarkXpress, mas logo na terceira ou quarta edição migramos pro InDesign, que tornou tudo MUITO mais fácil.
Newest charity shop finda video is live! Including a rather interesting Apple product 🤔
[Annonce + colophon] Lundi 6 mars, de 14h à 17h, formation « Science ouverte et logiciels libres » pour les doctorantes et doctorants de l'Université Paris Cité, en visio, https://u-paris.fr/doctorat/science-ouverte-et-logiciels-libres/
Et le #colophon des supports de ladite formation est : créé avec #Emac (pour l'éditeur de texte) + #groff (pour la composition du contenu), que ce soit pour les fichiers au #format PS et PDF et HTML ; avec les références de la #bibliographie et les schémas (avec refer et pic). Bref du #format texte.
#bibliographie #format #groff #emac #colophon
On February 7, 2013, Winter Storm Nemo brought heavy snowfall and hurricane-force winds across the New England states. 🌨 This storm caused over 700,000 customers to be without power and at least 18 deaths.
As all the New England states declared states of emergency, 161 personnel were deployed through EMAC to assist those states. 🙌 89% of this assistance was National Guard, and 11% of it was civilian. #EMAC #stateshelpingstates
Fact Friday!🙌 Did you know that the Mutual Aid Support System (MASS) is the free online system Resource Providers can use to prepare for an EMAC mission?💻
Learn more about how to develop and maintain your Mission Ready Package in the MASS. ➡ https://tinyurl.com/2p8ekpbc
#EMAC #NEMAReadyNation
20 years ago, the tragedy of the Space Shuttle Columbia shook the nation. Through EMAC, a National Guard Civil Support Team was deployed to help locate and recover wreckage in Texas and Louisiana. In a time of need, states banded together. 🤝 https://tinyurl.com/28fr8scu #EMAC
A great example of the assistance coordinated through EMAC!👏 8 states are providing experts to California as they recover from winter storm impacts. Thank you, EMAC! No state stands alone!🙌 Click for the report: https://tinyurl.com/2p8n6ktp
Graphic by CalOES.
A great example of the assistance coordinated through EMAC!👏 8 states are providing experts to California as they recover from winter storm impacts. Thank you, EMAC! No state stands alone!🙌 Click for the report: https://tinyurl.com/2p8n6ktp
Graphic by CalOES.
Thankfully the 'new' Apple eMac works!
It took a battering in transit but it fires up.
This one has had a decent paint job to put it more in line with the iMac aesthetic. However, the case has a few cracks, so I'll likely replace it at some point!
This eMac has a 1.25 GHz PowerPC G4 processor and 512MB RAM. It can be upgraded to 2GB maximum RAM and WiFi can be added too via an Airport Extreme card. I also need an official keyboard and mouse!
So, what should I do with it?! 😂
Well, this is what was in the box...
The remains of a mouse and a battered keyboard.
Oh, and a now cracked Apple eMac. Ugh! The delivery company really went to town on this package, despite it being well wrapped inside and covered in 'FRAGILE' tape.
That eMac 138Hz action! 🤩
#retrocomputing #crt #apple #powerpc #macintosh #emac
Had a core elementary school memory pop into my head because of today's rain: indoor recess and everyone taking turns at the few #Apple #eMac's in the room to play Line Rider and Club Penguin...
A handful of fun sites to remember (some of these were most definitely blocked on the firewall):
- Miniclip
- Cool Math Games
- Addicting Games
- Newgrounds
- Kongregate
A lot of time was spent in Bloons Tower Defense online...
#apple #school #memory #games #flash #emac
I #ask myself if there is something like this for #vscodium or vim?:blobcatthink:
I'm not an #emac fan :blobcatthink: , no offense
MN Tapped Ohio, Nebraska Cops During Chauvin Trial, Daunte Wright Protests https://unicornriot.ninja/2021/mn-tapped-ohio-nebraska-cops-during-chauvin-trial-daunte-wright-protests/ #Police ##NoDAPL #2008_Republican_National_Convention #Brent_Curtis #Brooklyn_Center #Bureau_of_Criminal_Apprehension #Cassie_Calmetti #Dakota_Access_Pipeline #DAPL #Daunte_Wright #derek_chauvin #Derek_Chauvin_Trial #Drew_Evans #EMAC #Emergency_Management_Assistance_Compact #FedEx #Flagstone_Peak_Logistics #Homeland_S
#police #nodapl #2008_Republican_National_Convention #Brent_Curtis #Brooklyn_Center #Bureau_of_Criminal_Apprehension #Cassie_Calmetti #Dakota_Access_Pipeline #dapl #Daunte_Wright #derek_chauvin #Derek_Chauvin_Trial #Drew_Evans #emac #Emergency_Management_Assistance_Compact #FedEx #Flagstone_Peak_Logistics #Homeland_S