"Maintaining the Maintainers: Attribution as an Economic Model for Open Source", talk from #EmacsConf 2022
Talk Recording on Toobnix: https://toobnix.org/w/6vrCBs7r9RELh2byQ4CMsj
#emacsconf #freesoftware #opensource #maintainer #contributor
EmacsConf 2021: Managing a research workflow (bibliographies, note-taking, and arXiv) - Ahmed Khaled
@sachac @emacsconf I am wondering if the presentations for this years #emacsconf will be prerecorded and then a live q&a? I have several ideas for a talk, some lend themselves better to being pre-recorded due to the demo component.
Anything you would like to see me talking about at #EmacsConf?
Call for participation:
#emacsconf #emacs #emacsconf2023 #pim #orgmode #UOMF
@dekkzz76 Ah, no worries.
I may have to check in on your progress when I move onto those domains though, as those facets I want to equally master.
There were a bunch of excellent Hyperbole videos during this years #emacsconf on those topics (incase you missed them):
Yet another way to start with GNU Emacs: https://config.phundrak.com/emacs.html Very opionated imo but detailed and straight enough to start from the ground without knowledge of Elisp. #emacs #emacsconf #emacsintro
@mitchmarq42xyz i've succeded to install the core apps and, for now, to use the Qt based web browser (over a natively compiled Emacs 30 version on top of Debian 12 here, no Wayland involved, but classical i3wm - X11 ). The PDF browser, is not working... for now.
Here's the related #emacsconf , to enjoy ! #happyhacking
@ieure look what your #emacsconf talk led to! :) @grtcdr made darkman and Emacs talk over dbus. Thanks to both of you for sharing!
Continually amazed by the work of @tarsius on #magit under #emacsconf
Wanted to be able to link to repos and issues in my #orgmode files, what do you know I can use orgit and orgit-forge to do just that, amazing.
Thank you @tarsius
@daviwil @abcdw just tried the #rde ISO and hope to help with there imminent release. BTW haven't yet found, what rde stands for or how to make proper use of it. Maybe re watching the #EmacsConf 2022 video will help.
After #EmacsConf, I installed hyperbole. I've been enjoying it, but it screws with my org-cite config by preventing me from finishing my citation selection in the minibuffer. I had to turn off hyperbole to keep writing momentum.
I think this could be solved by turning off hyperbole in the minibuffer. Annoying! #emacs
Captions for https://emacsconf.org/2022/talks/orgvm/ , https://emacsconf.org/2022/talks/eev/ , and https://emacsconf.org/2022/talks/python/ should be up on the #EmacsConf talk pages now. =) That should be all of the talk transcripts up now, yay!
The videos from the #EmacsConf Q&A sessions as well as the recording of "orgvm: a simple HTTP server for org" (Corwin Brust) and the new recording for "GRAIL---A Generalized Representation and Aggregation of Information Layers" (Sameer Pradhan) are now available on the talk pages linked from https://emacsconf.org/2022/talks/ as well as on https://media.emacsconf.org/2022/ . You can also find them on Toobnix on the EmacsConf channel ( https://toobnix.org/c/emacsconf/videos ) and on other popular video-sharing sites. Enjoy!
Love watching the #emacsconf videos during work breaks. So many things to learn. Thinking about submitting a #talk for the next one on implementing https://www.buildingasecondbrain.com/ within an #emacs workflow. Would that be interesting?
For organizing #EmacsConf 2022, we have a 325k Org file in a private repo (talk info, contact info, volunteers, etc.) and a 331k Org file in a public repo (tasks, mail merge templates, links, notes - https://emacsconf.org/2022/organizers-notebook/ ). They were handy for managing 39 talks on 2 streams semi-automatically. =)
@publicvoit My evil plans for #EmacsConf are as follows: get stuff out of people's heads and into a form we can easily learn from, and connect people with other people who are excited about similar things so that they get energized to make even cooler stuff, which we will get out of people's heads at the next EmacsConf. ;)
Organizers of online #video #conferences: take a look at the amazing work the organizers of #EmacsConf are doing with the pre- and post-processing of a 9 minute demo #video: https://emacsconf.org/2022/talks/orgsuperlinks/
Subtitles, transcript, (Q&A from the live discussion are following), chapter marks, discussion thread from the #Etherpad used, ...
I only wrote the 'Description' section and contributed the raw video file. It's really impressive what @sachac and the other organizers + volunteers are doing here. 😲 👍
#video #conferences #emacsconf #etherpad
@shrysr I thought it was great that both #EmacsConf and #NeovimConf had a talk from a filmmaker (two different ones, of course), and also some talks on nonprogramming use. I'd love to chat with our counterparts over there to explore more diverse use cases and stories. :)
@sachac that is cool. A quick glance at the list of speakers seems to indicate almost all of them are software developers. I like that #EmacsConf and possibly #emacs users in general have more flavours 😜😎
Org mode allows you to have inline images, and you can return them as the results of Org Babel blocks. I wanted to test different #EmacsConf scheduling strategies quickly. I used Emacs's XML and SVG support to create the SVGs based on the scheduling data I gave it. Splitting my window made it easy to change the schedule, use `C-c C-c` to execute the block, and see the schedule image (including any validation notes) in the other window. The code is in https://git.emacsconf.org/emacsconf-el/tree/emacsconf-schedule.el .