When point is over an URL and I press 'u', it copies the URL to the clipboard. Same as 'C' in the mastodon.el shortcuts.
When over regular text it updates the mastodon feed.
Seems like the only URL's affected are http/https.
Anyone else who've experiensed this?
#mastodonEL #emacs #emacsdummies
#emacsdummies #emacs #mastodonel
Is someone using mastodon.el for #emacs?
I've a couple of questions since I'm not an elisp-wizard.
Ok found it. I think this is the recipe to succeed in emacs.
Post the question here and it triggers something in me ...
Add in corfu key-map:
("SPC" . corfu-insert-separator)
Now it behaves and I can return to find something else to dumb myself down with.
Thanks for coming to my TED-talk
Using vertico with orderless and it works superb.
Trying with corfu and ordeless and I want the same behaviour as with vertico, just SPC between the shortened words and TAB to complete and fill in dashes.
Is anybody out there?
Just nod if you can hear me.
#orderless #corfu #emacs #emacsdummies
Also found this
(dolist (font (font-family-list)) (insert (format ";; \"%s\"\n" font)))
then press C-j [eval-print-last-sexp]
This will list all fonts on the system, one line per font.
Apparently I've 1900 fonts installed. Crazy.
Found what I was looking for:
M-x list-faces-display
for a complete list of fonts used in emacs. :emacs:
I want to list my fonts in emacs.
Trying with:
The thing is I get 5 lines of fonts in the echo area and it's cut off after that. I can't scroll in echo and I'd like to just see a list, preferably one font per line and in a new window. Any wizards online?
Reading configs on github makes me feel like a total dumdum.
Now, after 2 hrs I've setup elfeed to view my kids schools newsletter and at the same time not get a migraine.
#emacsdummies :blob_sleeping:​