Gizmodo: Spell Check Fail: Typo Leads to U.S. Military Leaking Sensitive Data #hillaryclintonemailcontroversy #johanneszuurbier #jamesmcconville #emailaddress #domainname #coldemail #microsoft #zuurbeir #politics #email #mil
#hillaryclintonemailcontroversy #johanneszuurbier #jamesmcconville #emailaddress #domainname #coldemail #microsoft #zuurbeir #politics #email #mil
What does it take to handle “origin” email systems?
A site which offers your first email and by extension does not require you to supply an email address.
A site which does not require you to supply a phone number. (Can you sign up for a phone if you do not yet have an email address? A prior phone number?)
#origin #email #phone #phonenumber #emailaddress
MicroStrategy’s Saylor fuses work email address with Bitcoin Lightning - Fans of the Bitcoin bull have been transferring him 21 Satoshis a... - #lightningaddressprotocol #transactionspersecond #michaelsaylor #emailaddress #payments #basefee #satoshi #email #sats
#sats #email #satoshi #basefee #payments #emailaddress #michaelsaylor #transactionspersecond #lightningaddressprotocol
#Fuck all the 💩#software that asks for an #emailAddress; then uses it as an user name which then cannot deal with "+" address🤬
Report: Crypto Exchange Gemini Suffers From Data Breach, 5.7 Million Emails Allegedly Leaked - According to a recent report, the cryptocurrency exchange Gemini suffered from a b... - #geminicustomersphonenumbers #geminicustomersemails #phishingcampaigns #third-partyvendor #geminicustomers #geminidataleak #databreaches #emailaddress #databreach #zhiyuansun #buyucoin #celsius
#celsius #buyucoin #zhiyuansun #databreach #emailaddress #databreaches #geminidataleak #geminicustomers #third #phishingcampaigns #geminicustomersemails #geminicustomersphonenumbers
Amazon Fires Employee Who Leaked Customer Names, Emails - Amazon notified customers and law enforcement of the insider-threat incident this week. #customernotification #datacollection #lawenforcement #amazonprivacy #insiderthreat #emailaddress #datasharing #amazondata #databreach #employee #privacy #breach #amazon #fired
#fired #amazon #breach #privacy #employee #databreach #amazondata #datasharing #emailaddress #insiderthreat #amazonprivacy #lawenforcement #datacollection #customernotification