Besides protecting your real email address when receiving spam, #SimpleLogin also protects you when sending emails to recipients you don’t fully trust. We call this functionality reverse-alias, and this is how it works:
#simplelogin #emailalias #emailsecurity
Most secure email services have inbuilt aliases features.
Secure email services: @ProtonMail, @TutanotaTeam, @skiffprivacy
Aliases: @SimpleLogin, @AnonAddy, Firefox Relay
The Security Pros and Cons of Using Email Aliases #ALittleSunshine #SecurityTools #DataBreaches #HoldSecurity #alexholden #Allekabels #emailalias #RTLNieuws #TroyHunt
#haveibeenpwned #ALittleSunshine #SecurityTools #DataBreaches #HoldSecurity #alexholden #allekabels #emailalias #rtlnieuws #troyhunt
The Security Pros and Cons of Using Email Aliases #ALittleSunshine #SecurityTools #DataBreaches #HoldSecurity #alexholden #Allekabels #emailalias #RTLNieuws #TroyHunt
#HaveIBeenPwned #ALittleSunshine #SecurityTools #databreaches #HoldSecurity #alexholden #Allekabels #emailalias #RTLNieuws #TroyHunt
The Security Pros and Cons of Using Email Aliases - One way to tame your email inbox is to get in the habit of using unique email alia... #alittlesunshine #securitytools #databreaches #holdsecurity #alexholden #allekabels #emailalias #rtlnieuws #troyhunt
#troyhunt #rtlnieuws #emailalias #allekabels #alexholden #holdsecurity #databreaches #securitytools #alittlesunshine #haveibeenpwned
Firefox’s Private Relay service tests anonymous email alias feature - Mozilla has announced that it is testing an experimental service called Firefox Private Relay that... more: #firefoxprivaterelay #microsoftedge #smartscreen #emailalias #mozilla #google
#google #mozilla #emailalias #smartscreen #microsoftedge #firefoxprivaterelay