From a learning point of view. What's an easy to setup email server for #Debian 11? I don't need the web app for the client. I will use Thunderbird etc. Thank!
#debian #emailservers #selfhosting #email
Thanks! Not the thread I was thinking of but an interesting essay on why private email servers would have such a hard time.
Great work Google. Burn a couple of billion a year and hope that when you start charging you'll capture people.
#googledown #email #emailservers #independentemailservers #lightmeter #googleisevil #googleisdumb
I really don’t trust Google either but my several (5+) gmail accounts are everywhere and I don't know if I could find them all to change them or what is connected to what. I never use google to search, despite it being a societal term of art (“Just google it.”). Has anyone successfully deleted google from their lives.
#google #gmail #email #EmailServers
#google #gmail #email #emailservers
Interesting in-depth review of the Helm Personal Server for those with privacy concerns who want to self-host a personal email server.
#Technology #Engineering #OpenSource #EMail #EMailServers #Privacy #Security #Encryption #Communications
#technology #engineering #opensource #email #emailservers #privacy #security #encryption #communications