#BaileyPoint investors and real-estate developers on #HiltonHeadIsland #SouthCarolina are trying to erase history of the #GullahGeechee community that goes back to the #EmancipationProclamation. And they are doing so in the most insulting way possible. #BlackLivesMatter #Histodons
#baileypoint #hiltonheadisland #southcarolina #gullahgeechee #emancipationproclamation #blacklivesmatter #histodons
Apropos of #July4, #immigrants, & #citizenship: when I was small, my father knew that I was already very interested in history & especially #VastEarlyAmerica, so when he went on a trip to Washington, he brought me large facsimiles of the #DeclarationOfIndependence, & #EmancipationProclamation, as well as a smaller folder with the texts of Declaration, Constitution, & Bill of Rights
In retrospect it seems appropriate that the set represented the completion of the promise of the Declaration
#july4 #immigrants #citizenship #vastearlyamerica #declarationofindependence #emancipationproclamation
Juneteenth is a federal holiday in the #UnitedStates commemorating the #emancipation of enslaved #AfricanAmericans. Deriving its name from combining June and nineteenth, it is celebrated on the anniversary of the order by Major General #GordonGranger proclaiming #freedom for enslaved people in #Texas on June 19, 1865.
Courtesy of: #Wikipedia
#unitedstates #emancipation #africanamericans #gordongranger #freedom #texas #wikipedia #juneteenth #slavery #emancipationproclamation
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Juneteenth in Lubbock, Texas, Was When Our Men Came Out of the Shadows https://jezebel.com/juneteenth-lubbock-texas-latoya-watkins-1850548636 #Jezebel #georgewashingtoncarvermuseumandculturalcenter #emancipationproclamation #slaveryintheunitedstates #africanamericanculture #emancipationday #americanculture #africandiaspora #abrahamlincoln #latoyawatkins #unitedstates #joehatchett #roberthines #juneteenth #maesimmons
#jezebel #georgewashingtoncarvermuseumandculturalcenter #emancipationproclamation #slaveryintheunitedstates #africanamericanculture #emancipationday #americanculture #AfricanDiaspora #abrahamlincoln #latoyawatkins #unitedstates #joehatchett #roberthines #juneteenth #maesimmons
RT @NathanFrancis__@twitter.com
🇺🇸#OTD in #History 1 January 1863, during the Civil War, United States President #AbrahamLincoln issued the #EmancipationProclamation (Proclamation 95), freeing more than 3.5 million enslaved African Americans in the secessionist Confederate states.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/NathanFrancis__/status/1609441745971953665
#otd #history #abrahamlincoln #emancipationproclamation
December 15, 1791: Ratification of the #BillOfRights
One of the nicest small gifts I ever received: When I was young, my father was on a trip to Washington & brought me full-size facsimiles of the #DeclarationOfIndependence & #EmancipationProclamation, & a smaller booklet with those 2 + the #Constitution
He knew I was fascinated by the #Colonial #history and the #AmericanRevolution, and I think they meant a lot to him as an #immigrant.
I still have them.
#billofrights #declarationofindependence #emancipationproclamation #constitution #colonial #history #americanrevolution #immigrant