I don't wanna do nothin' but be in a rock band
I don't wanna get a job, I don't wanna be a man
I don't wanna do nothin' but be in a rock band
I don't wanna do nothing at all
Emanuel and the Fear - Jimme's song: https://emanuelandthefear.bandcamp.com/track/jimmes-song-full-band-version
A strange star in a dark sky, the first sign to all the world that hope has come. God with us, then and now.
#Christmas #jesus #chrisitian #christisborn #emanuel
✝️🎄 For King & Country with special guest Need to Breathe #Emanuel
My sister cried. 😆🤝🥹
WME Exec Ari Emanuel Married by Larry David, Celeb Pals in Attendance #exec #emanuel #married #larry #david #celeb #pals #attendance #29maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cudG16LmNvbS8yMDIyLzA1LzI5L2FyaS1lbWFudWVsLXdtZS13ZWRkaW5nLW1hcnJpZXMtc3QtdHJvcGV6LWxhcnJ5LWRhdmlkLw==
#29maggio #attendance #pals #celeb #David #larry #married #emanuel #exec
Recensione di `Zelenskij. La storia dell’uomo che ha cambiato (per sempre) il modo di fare la guerra` di Emanuel Pietrobon (Castelvecchi Editore, 2022) - Geopolitica.info #recensione #zelenskij #storia #dell&rsquouomo #cambiato #modo #guerra #emanuel #pietrobon #castelvecchi #editore #geopoliticainfo https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ2VvcG9saXRpY2EuaW5mby9yZWNlbnNpb25lLXplbGVuc2tpai1zdG9yaWEtdW9tby1jYW1iaWF0by1tb2RvLWZhcmUtZ3VlcnJhLw==
#geopoliticainfo #editore #castelvecchi #pietrobon #emanuel #guerra #modo #cambiato #dell #storia #Zelenskij #recensione
RT @CathKikuchi@twitter.com
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