Only 3 DAYS left to save US$300 off #EmbeddedOSSummit registration! #EmbeddedComputing systems are essential to the operation of electronic devices + systems. Join us at EOSS - an event dedicated to this space + designed for real time problem solving:
#embeddedossummit #embeddedcomputing
#Introduction My name i Lars and I come from #Scania. My academic background is in #arthistory and #linguistics though I nowadays mostly work in #embeddedcomputing and #translation
My addictions include #art and #music of many kinds and I am always reading: currently books by #DonnaTartt, #HerinrichBöll #LeClézio and #KarenBlixen.
I also enjoy learning new languages - right now #Cymraeg (#Welsh) and #í•œêµì–´ (#Korean) -and exploring #philosophy
#philosophy #korean #í•œêµì–´ #welsh #cymraeg #karenblixen #leclezio #herinrichboll #DonnaTartt #music #art #translation #embeddedcomputing #linguistics #arthistory #scania #introduction