At #GSC2023, @GigaDB talk about how they make use of #FAIRsharing's subject (application) ontology, drawn from a number of community ontologies in order to have full cross-discipline coverage. Great to hear, and let us know if you have questions!
View this ontology in #EMBLEBI's #OntologyLookupService at
New release with minor updates coming this Fall. ✔️
(As originally posted on the ex-bird site by #SusannaAssuntaSansone)
#susannaassuntasansone #ontologylookupservice #emblebi #FAIRsharing #gsc2023
We hope that the comparative genomics analyses made available through this study will provide a route towards the application of genomics-informed conservation programmes across the great diversity of invertebrate species. A big thank to all the amazing people from the Darwin Tree of Life Project that made this reserch possible! #biodiversity #conservation #comparativegenomics #PacBio #DarwinTreeofLife #Ensembl #emblebi #sangerinstitute #wellcometrust
#biodiversity #conservation #comparativegenomics #PacBio #darwintreeoflife #ensembl #emblebi #sangerinstitute #WellcomeTrust
On my way home from #BioHackEU22 in Paris. Over thirty projects, great interactions, inspiration and so many new things learned. Thanks #ELIXIREurope ! Nice progress towards FAIRer ML models, curation and deposition in #biomodels at #emblebi Some initial work on #lipids shorthand names in #wikidata and some more insight into semantic web. @fzj #denbi
#denbi #wikidata #lipids #emblebi #Biomodels #ELIXIREurope #BioHackEU22