36 years ago
Embrace is the debut album and the only release by the American post-hardcore-punk band Embrace, released September 1987 on Dischord Records.
#punk #punks #punkrock #hardcorepunk #embrace #dischordrecords #history #punkrockhistory
#punk #punks #PunkRock #hardcorepunk #embrace #dischordrecords #history #punkrockhistory
Are you curious to learn more about #EMBRACE that aims to overcome obstacles and advance #democracy in #Europe?
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Sharing a moment on the bridge https://www.flickr.com/photos/woolamaloo_gazette/53103478743/in/photostream/
#Fountainbridge #Edinburgh #Edimbourg #photography #StreetPhotography #LeamingtonLiftBridge #bridge #pont #couple #embrace
#embrace #couple #pont #bridge #leamingtonliftbridge #streetphotography #photography #edimbourg #edinburgh #fountainbridge
Blue boats embracing https://www.flickr.com/photos/woolamaloo_gazette/53048310161/in/dateposted/
Union Canal, #Edinburgh #Edimbourg #boat #bateau #photography #rowboat #Blue #Bleu #HarrisonPark #Scotland #Ecosse #Embrace
#embrace #ecosse #scotland #harrisonpark #bleu #blue #rowboat #photography #bateau #boat #edimbourg #edinburgh
Top comment says it well...
"Facebook/Meta are not 'joining' the fediverse... they're attacking it.
They see it's rise as a threat, so they'll do exactly what companies like google and microsoft have done in the past. They 'join, they undermine, they make changes to the underlying software that make it proprietary and incompatible with the wider activitypub network. They force a slowdown in development and adoption and they marginalize..."
Descubro una cara B de #Coldplay llamada #Gravity que me deja embelesado, se la muestro a un amigo y me dice que se la regalaron a Embrace, que la sacó un par de años antes con un tempo más rápido y la verdad es que casi parece otro tema. Justo por aquellas fechas sacaron un disco que también me encantó (y cuya "crítica" tenéis por mi perfil) y ya me quedé con ellos.
Ocho años sin saber de un grupo son muchos años. Yo ya no era un veinteañero y me había movido a otros planos existenciales musicalmente hablando. Por suerte, este grupo volvió con fuerza y con un sonido nuevo, más electrónico que de costumbre, al menos con este primer single. Las caras B también confirmaban un poco ese giro hacia nuevos horizontes, que te pueden salir bien o te pueden enterrar definitivamente. Para Embrace parecía que era el primer caso.
Además, el cantante principal se hacía a un lado y le daba el protagonismo a su hermano, quien, para mi gusto, tiene una voz mil veces mejor. Por si fuera poco, las pocas líneas que canta Danny tienen fuerza y quedan bien justo antes del subidón final.
#Chameleon y #Decades (este mostrando un bajo potente a lo #U2 en la época de #War) mantienen la línea de #Refugees, mientras que #Bullets es más tranquilote.
Empecé mi colección de vinilos con singles y maxis hace muchísimos años, cuando no encontrabas en #CD (y, desde luego, en streamingQUÉ?) todas esas rarezas. Paré cuando empezaron a estar disponibles por doquier, gastando menos dinero, y ahora he vuelto con fuerza a por los #LPs. Este #EP es una excepción porque ya había oído todas las canciones y sabía que me gustaban bastante, así que esperaba a que bajara hasta tener un precio asequible, como ha sido el caso.
El LP, por el contrario, me atrae mucho menos porque todo este sonido nuevo se quedó en el primer single. Una lástima.
#coldplay #gravity #chameleon #decades #U2 #war #refugees #bullets #cd #lps #ep #embrace #refugeesep #eugenelo
#Facebook is still pretty evil, even if the company changed its name to #Meta. They're trying to get their talons into the #fediverse now. #embrace, #extend, #extenguish.
#facebook #meta #fediverse #embrace #extend #extenguish
@luna @kabrams @freakazoid @tim if #embrace, #extend, #extinguish is #Meta's goal then defederation makes sense, but I agree and I'm glad my server admins aren't taking such a reactive stance.
Ironically if they are trying to do that, polarizing the #Fediverse community like this would be part of the tactics for how they'd do it.
I fail to see how #project92 merely going live will compromise well moderated instances, and how hard is it to not follow an account from it?
#embrace #extend #extinguish #meta #fediverse #project92
@vncntx At the beginning, nothing. Once #Meta/Facebook/Instagram’s #Project92 is the largest instance, they’ll start making “improvements” to the protocol. Other instances will have to implement them to federate. At that point, they’ll be running the show.
(If we let them. And by “we”, I mean the largest instances. mastodon.social and the other largest instances could nip this in the bud now if they wanted to. But I hear they’re out signing NDAs…)
#meta #project92 #embrace #extend #extinguish
@PaulaToThePeople Let's not forget what #slack did to the #irc (there so many other cases). They were using open protocol and allowed bridging until enough people got on slack. Then they've just cut the bridge and the rest of the users were forced to jump over.A school case of #embrace #extend #extinguish tactics often adopted by big corpo when handling #libre projects. I don't think anything good comes out of federating with #meta unless #fediverse somehow outwits them.But why even bother? #eee
#eee #slack #irc #embrace #extend #extinguish #libre #meta #fediverse
The piano! The choir! The gentle melancholia in F-minor!
#Embrace had been around for a decade before this 2006 hit, which briefly threatened Coldplay-style ubiquity, but prefers to hide its brilliance in the shadows. Fashionable critics were sniffy, which is the usual mark of a good song.
Lily-Rose Depp Greets Rapper 070 Shake With A Make Out Session https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1766311/model/
#070Shake #Airport #Braless #CannesFilmFestival #CelebrityMakeOut #DanielleBalbuena #Embrace #HBOTheIdol #JohnnyDepp #KISS #LAX #LilyRoseDepp #MakeOut #model #nobra #supermodel #TheIdol #VanessaParadis #リリー=ローズ・デップ
#070shake #airport #braless #cannesfilmfestival #celebritymakeout #daniellebalbuena #embrace #hbotheidol #johnnydepp #kiss #lax #lilyrosedepp #makeout #model #nobra #supermodel #THEIDOL #vanessaparadis #リリー
You seem to be skating right by history
This is #Zuckerberg and #Facebook aka #Meta
#Embrace, #Extend, #Extinguish
"Extinguish: When extensions become a de facto standard because of their dominant market share, they marginalize competitors that do not or cannot support the new extensions"
And this needs attention:
"That will theoretically allow..."
"...to take their accounts and followers with them to other apps"
Zuck is going to set his users free
#zuckerberg #facebook #meta #eee #embrace #extend #extinguish
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #DermotOLeary
🎵 Come Back To What You Know
#nowplaying #DermotOLeary #embrace
Travis llevaba unos años petándolo muy fuerte en UK y preparándonos para lo que después harían grupos como #Coldplay (aunque a estos no hay quien los reconozca ya) con discos como #TheManWho y, para mí sobre todo, con #TheInvisibleBand. Estoy muy fuerte detrás de estos dos, pero las reediciones que sacan son para fans muy fans (y muy adinerados) y yo me conformo con el LP y ya.
En 2003 aún se esperaba mucho de ellos, pero ya no eran el grupo más destacado de Reino Unido, lo cual es algo reservado a muy pocos como ellos mismos, #Supergrass o #Embrace. Coldplay ya se había hecho con esa distinción tras su segundo disco y lejos quedaban éxitos como #Sing, #Side o #Driftwood, pero en este disco hay temas buenísimos como #Reoffender, #Quicksand, #HowManyHearts o #LoveWillComeThrough.
El vídeo para la primera me encantó: se ve una banda que viaja en una caravana para dar conciertos en pubs (con erótico resultado) y que acaban tan mal que al final viajan cada uno en su caravana para no cruzarse (la cara) con un compañero. Hace años que no lo veo, pero me pareció que los integrantes del grupo actuaban muy bien.
Después de este disco han sacado cosas interesantes como #OdeToJSmith, más rockero, pero para mí lo mejor de este grupo se resume en estos tres discos que he dicho y que espero reunir muy pronto en vinilo, aunque ya los tengo en CD. También me gustaría tener la oportunidad de verles en directo porque he visto algunos vídeos y son alucinantes y hacen una versiones muy buenas. Os recomiendo las versiones de #BabyOneMoreTime (sí, de #BritneySpears) o #KillerQueen, de #Queen.
#FunFact 1: en mis prácticas de ayudante de cámara visitamos la sede del portal de Amena o de alguna de estas .com para hacer un reportaje y una programadora que estaba trabajando allí tenía el Invisible Band muy bajito. Lo sacó al terminar, cogió el CD y le plantó un beso en la parte que tiene la información antes de guardarlo en su caja.
Es bonito estar enamorado/a de un disco porque ¿qué sería de algunos de nosotros sin música?
Fun fact 2: hace unos años salió un rapero también llamado Travis y #Spotify no deja de recomendármelo cada vez que saca algo nuevo como si fuera esta banda :gif de Michael Scott en The Office diciendo nooo muy fuerte:
#coldplay #themanwho #theinvisibleband #supergrass #embrace #sing #side #driftwood #reoffender #quicksand #howmanyhearts #lovewillcomethrough #odetojsmith #babyonemoretime #britneyspears #KillerQueen #queen #funfact #spotify #travis #12memories #eugenelo
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio2's #JoWhiley
🎵 Gravity
#nowplaying #JoWhiley #embrace
So good to see you https://www.flickr.com/photos/woolamaloo_gazette/52859363039/in/dateposted/
Chums embracing as they meet up on Princes Street
#Edinburgh #Edimbourg #StreetPhotography #photography #PeopleWatching #Scotland #Ecosse #friends #embrace
#embrace #friends #ecosse #scotland #peoplewatching #photography #streetphotography #edimbourg #edinburgh
Good #Morning World | International Tech News | The MOST #SHOCKING #Drag #Child #Video Yet | aka #CHILD_ABUSE! IMMORAL #HOMOSEXUALS are after your #Children.
Everyone knows the the #Personality and #Character of Children is #Fully_formed by the #TENDER age of 7 years old.
Your children are being #RE_PROGRAMMED #INDOCTRINATED by this Immoral #Sinister Evil #Movement --since the 80's and beyond.
..or expect yet another RISE in #Pedophilia and Sexual Child Abuse, #KIDNAPPING ALERTS #GONE_WILD!!??, #Rape, #Incest and #Mental_Illness CRISIS!
Immoral #selfish #SEX_ADDICTS cannot keep their #LIFESTYLE #SIN(S) in the #Closet where is belongs!!
We all have sexual desire --good and bad.
You don't see #heterosexual women or men promoting their sexual lifestyle to children #DO_YOU?
Why? because we are NOT #RETARDs #LIKE_YOU!
You see folks these Homosexuals know they are living in SIN. they cannot COPE, CURE OR CONTROL their Immoral #SEX_ADDICTION disguised as LOVE! no less?? The Mental Illness that comes with this level of IMMORAL #SIN cannot be #fathomed..
So they expect us (the #SANE PEOPLE to #embrace their sexual #immorality so that THEY CAN ##FEEL #GUILTLESS OR #SHAMELESS.
At the #expense of our #innocent_children.
#IMMORAL Atrocities that will SHAPE #generations to come --leading all down to a road --of certain DEATH..
Husbands, God has ordained YOU to See down the road while all others are #BLIND AS #BATS!
The is NOT the #United_States of America anymore. it is #SATAN's #LIAR.
BIGGEST KEPT SECRET in #PLAIN_SIGHT?? the #TRANSformation of #Mankind, #Soul_TRANSfer, #Transhumanism, #TRANSgender, #TRANSpocalypse. #MKUltra, #Montauk_Project,
CHUTE COMMENT: Been trying to wake others to this agenda for a while now, most cannot even discern a true female, over 100 years of Hollyweird and TV shows giving us males as females has led to the public notion of a woman being completely skewed.
The application of lipstick, string of pearls, long flowing hair, feminized features, like rhinoplasty or Adam Apple shaving, all help to fool the eye, but their jawlines, shoulders, long necks, wide trachea, long arms that hang straight down, big hands, long legs and big feet are all giveaways, yet most won't see or can't see, lust blinds them to the truth.
CONNECT Today for EARLY #INVITE. TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.
JOIN TODAY: Come visit one of the 1ST DECENTRALIZED SOCIAL NETWORK ON THE PLANET. https:/WithBrains.com/@DavidV
* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)
https://Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
https://TastingTraffic.net ® (#International_Tech_News);
http://JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
http://Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#MORNING #shocking #drag #child #video #child_abuse #Homosexuals #children #personality #character #Fully_Formed #TENDER #re_programmed #indoctrinated #sinister #movement #DRAG_SHOWS #outlawed #NATIONWIDE #pedophilia #kidnapping #GONE_WILD #rape #incest #Mental_Illness #selfish #SEX_ADDICTS #lifestyle #sin #closet #heterosexual #DO_YOU #retards #LIKE_YOU #SEX_ADDICTION #fathomed #sane #embrace #immorality #feel #GUILTLESS #SHAMELESS #EXPENSE #innocent_children #immoral #generations #blind #bats #united_states #satan #liar #PLAIN_SIGHT #transformation #mankind #Soul_TRANSfer #transhumanism #transgender #transpocalypse #mkultra #Montauk_Project #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS
Good #Morning World | International Tech News | The MOST #SHOCKING #Drag #Child #Video Yet | aka #CHILD_ABUSE! IMMORAL #HOMOSEXUALS are after your #Children.
Everyone knows the the #Personality and #Character of Children is #Fully_formed by the #TENDER age of 7 years old.
Your children are being #RE_PROGRAMMED #INDOCTRINATED by this Immoral #Sinister Evil #Movement --since the 80's and beyond.
..or expect yet another RISE in #Pedophilia and Sexual Child Abuse, #KIDNAPPING ALERTS #GONE_WILD!!??, #Rape, #Incest and #Mental_Illness CRISIS!
Immoral #selfish #SEX_ADDICTS cannot keep their #LIFESTYLE #SIN(S) in the #Closet where is belongs!!
We all have sexual desire --good and bad.
You don't see #heterosexual women or men promoting their sexual lifestyle to children #DO_YOU?
Why? because we are NOT #RETARDs #LIKE_YOU!
You see folks these Homosexuals know they are living in SIN. they cannot COPE, CURE OR CONTROL their Immoral #SEX_ADDICTION disguised as LOVE! no less?? The Mental Illness that comes with this level of IMMORAL #SIN cannot be #fathomed..
So they expect us (the #SANE PEOPLE to #embrace their sexual #immorality so that THEY CAN ##FEEL #GUILTLESS OR #SHAMELESS.
At the #expense of our #innocent_children.
#IMMORAL Atrocities that will SHAPE #generations to come --leading all down to a road --of certain DEATH..
Husbands, God has ordained YOU to See down the road while all others are #BLIND AS #BATS!
The is NOT the #United_States of America anymore. it is #SATAN's #LIAR.
BIGGEST KEPT SECRET in #PLAIN_SIGHT?? the #TRANSformation of #Mankind, #Soul_TRANSfer, #Transhumanism, #TRANSgender, #TRANSpocalypse. #MKUltra, #Montauk_Project,
CHUTE COMMENT: Been trying to wake others to this agenda for a while now, most cannot even discern a true female, over 100 years of Hollyweird and TV shows giving us males as females has led to the public notion of a woman being completely skewed.
The application of lipstick, string of pearls, long flowing hair, feminized features, like rhinoplasty or Adam Apple shaving, all help to fool the eye, but their jawlines, shoulders, long necks, wide trachea, long arms that hang straight down, big hands, long legs and big feet are all giveaways, yet most won't see or can't see, lust blinds them to the truth.
CONNECT Today for EARLY #INVITE. TastingTraffic LAUNCHING SOON! WELCOME TO THE FUTURE OF ADVERTISING! | If it Tastes Good, You Gotta LOVE IT! (Patent Pending). Upon launch all will be notified.
JOIN TODAY: Come visit one of the 1ST DECENTRALIZED SOCIAL NETWORK ON THE PLANET. https:/WithBrains.com/@DavidV
* Software Architect (PhD) Supervisor
* Founder of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
* Founder of RTB (Real Time Bidding)
* Founder of HFT (High Frequency Trading)
https://Withbrains.com/@Davidv ® (Decentralized SOCIAL Network | Signup for Early Invite);
https://TastingTraffic.net ® (#International_Tech_News);
http://JustBlameWayne.com ® (Just Blame Wayne & Post it);
http://Davidv.TV ® (Big Faith | Christianity RAW 101) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced images used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.
#MORNING #shocking #drag #child #video #child_abuse #Homosexuals #children #personality #character #Fully_Formed #TENDER #re_programmed #indoctrinated #sinister #movement #DRAG_SHOWS #outlawed #NATIONWIDE #pedophilia #kidnapping #GONE_WILD #rape #incest #Mental_Illness #selfish #SEX_ADDICTS #lifestyle #sin #closet #heterosexual #DO_YOU #retards #LIKE_YOU #SEX_ADDICTION #fathomed #sane #embrace #immorality #feel #GUILTLESS #SHAMELESS #EXPENSE #innocent_children #immoral #generations #blind #bats #united_states #satan #liar #PLAIN_SIGHT #transformation #mankind #Soul_TRANSfer #transhumanism #transgender #transpocalypse #mkultra #Montauk_Project #INVITE #INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS